
Re: Deploying a 4k war 900 times causes GlassFish to run out of heap and chew half of non heap

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 23:01:25 -0800

Talked with Richard below off line. Thanks Richard for your support !


Judy: I understand your concern of not fixing this in v3, but we are
short of time to do fixing and testing to prevent regression. Hope you
understand us :-)

Richard: Yes I do well. Deadline need to be met and a cut off need to be

Judy: Really appreciate you log this bug. It is a big help. I know
with your recreate app, developer can fix it fast.

Richard: thanks, I am going to deploy each java-ee 6 sample app 1000
times and see what I find. Well that's the plan if I find the time.

Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hello Elena
> 2009/11/24 Elena Asarina <Elena.Asarina_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Elena.Asarina_at_sun.com>>
> Based on my experience everything depends from the archive size.
> I have about 5 archives that have a size around 5 MB. My test
> executes with each archive 20 actions like
> deploy/undeploy/redeploy and so on. If to execute with these 5
> archive that 100 actions totally, then with a big probability
> appserver either hung up, for example will occupy 100% CPU, or
> will crash. Early in a testing cycle I've opened bugs that
> describe these issues, then eventually these bugs were closed.
> Seems like this will only be fixed in GlassFish 3.1 sorry unless we
> can motivate nicely.
> I've seen in older version of JSF. i.e. pre 2.0 release the problem is
> more apparent. So make sure you use 2.0.1 + or the one in the container.
> Do you have a sample app that does this ? I will try recreate on my side.
> Do you have this bug numbers for the issues closed ? I would like to
> follow up.
> I let these bugs be closed, because I think that it is not a
> very realistic case, i.e. probably users will not do 1000 times
> deploy/undeploy and don't restart appserver during this period of
> time. Without "big" archives about 2000 such actions
> (deploy/undeploy/...) can be performed without these issues. But
> also I saw that "big" archives (about 5 MB) can kill appserver
> quickly with 64 bit JVM.
> It seems like this will only be fixed in 3.1.
> This worries me quite a bit, since the Eclipse and I think the
> Netbeans autodeploy on source change.
> This is a potential support nightmare, but that is just my opinion.
> regards
> Richard.