
Re: admin access doesnt ask for auth

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 17:53:37 -0800

Hi Ajit,

Thanks for testing. I saw you got fast reply from many people, that is

I checked with doc team, the following doc is or will cover this area.

    * The Administration Guide should explain how things are in v3.
    * The Release Notes should state that things have changed between v2
      and v3 and cross-refer to the Administration Guide for details of
      how things are in v3.

Ajit Kamble wrote:
> Downloaded glassfish-v3-b72.zip on linux, unzipped and started the
> domain.
> Was able to access admin without auth. Is this a known issue alerady
> or am i doing something wrong here ?
> For other bundles below, this issue was not seen. Accessing admin via
> browser asked for admin credentials.
> glassfish-v3-b72-unix.sh
> glassfish-v3-b72-windows.exe
> Thanks
> Ajit
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