
Re: Glassfish going crazy after a while

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 18:16:31 -0800

Thanks Tim for the help :-)

10660 <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10660>
fixed in b72, I think Richard is using b72. Also Richard said "logs say
nothing", 10660
<https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10660> has error
in log.
Could be different issue. But let's hear from Richard, Elena, and
Vladimir. Thank you all for reporting this issue.
Would you please send info on which build and what OS.


Tim Quinn wrote:
> I have not been following this thread too closely so forgive me if any
> of you gave this information earlier...
> What build(s) of GlassFish v3 are you using?
> Is there a chance you have run into the problem described in issue
> 10660 <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10660>?
> A fix for this went in Monday of this week which would be in nightly
> builds since then and in promoted build 72 from Nov. 11.
> Or you could be seeing an entirely different problem.
> - Tim
> Vladimir Perlov wrote:
>> I had the same issue. My environment Free BSD v.8 and Glassfish v3
>> build 69.
>> In one case even BSD's system monitor freezed completely and I had to
>> restart computer. The size of the War file is about 50 MB.
>> Vladimir
>> > Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 08:50:15 -0800
>> > From: Elena.Asarina_at_Sun.COM
>> > To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>> > Subject: Re: Glassfish going crazy after a while
>> >
>> > I saw this issue when on Windows I've tried to deploy a "big" archive
>> > (about 10 MB). I've got timeout during the deployment, no errors in
>> > server.log and eventually java process occupied 100 % of CPU.
>> >
>> > Elena
>> >
>> > Richard Kolb wrote:
>> > > Hi Cats.
>> > >
>> > > Has anyone experienced the container locking up
>> > > I deploy a Web app that fails to deploy a few times.
>> > >
>> > > And then I see a Java process using 100% on my one CPU
>> > > http://localhost:8080/
>> > > http://localhost:4848/
>> > > are unresponsive.
>> > >
>> > > ./bin/asadmin stop-domain domain1 does not seem work
>> > >
>> > > logs say nothing
>> > >
>> > > if I call a 'killall java' GlassFish does not shut down
>> > >
>> > > I have to killall -9 java to shut it down
>> > >
>> > > regards
>> > > Richard.
>> > >
>> >
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