
sth addition for issue #10870

From: Wu Jie <wujie_at_cn.fujitsu.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 11:42:25 +0900

Hi Judy

I found the #10870 which the issue with IE/Safari/Chrome browser
was fixed by Kenpaulsen.
I confirmed it on the browers below, and found theres were still
some problems.
1.IE 6/7
2.Safari 4.0.3
3.FireFox 3.5
4.Opera 10

My test env as following
  ・Nov 9rd nightly
  ・WinXP en

The result as following.
Browser | Result
IE 6/7 | 1.no response when click [deploy] button.(※1)
                     | 2.HTTP 500 happened when clisk [Load Default]
                     | , [Flush] and [Ping] button.
                     | 3.all the new buttons on the list table
                     | not working.
                     | 4.blank screen when click [save] button in
                     | edit page.(※2)
Safari 4.0.3 | 1.blank screen when click [deploy] button.
                     | 2.blank screen when click [save] button.(※2)
                     | 3.blank screen when click [new] button.
FireFox 3.5 | no problem
Opera 10 | no problem
※1 Page error ocurred when goto common tasks-->applications page,
    please refer to the attached file.
※2 Although blank screen when click [save] button, saved successfully.

Best Regards
Wu Jie

(image/jpeg attachment: error.JPG)