
Re: java ee dependency management (Re: admin_gui not starting anymore when xercesImpl.jar present in domain1/lib/?)

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 01:56:18 -0700

Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Kristian
> 2009/9/24 Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de <mailto:rink_at_planconnect.de>>
> Richard Kolb schrieb:
> > We also had the same issue.
> > I got the strangest Hibernate 'duplicate mappings' errors because
> > Hibernate was in the domain lib
> Oh yes, Hibernate seems to be especially strange about that, even
> though I
> am not completely sure why... just know some of our folks doing
> Eclipse RCP
> development, they have done quite some cursing trying to
> meaningfully wrap
> up Hibernate into OSGi as well... :>
> Yes, I suspect hibernate gets confused across class loaders.
> We spent a week of company trying to fix this to no avail.
> Somehow I am still hoping for a maven2 glassfish plugin to simply
> allow for
> (a) deploying the application module (jar, war, ear...)
> automatically and
> (b) copying dependent jars to the right place in the domain folder
> structure
> if required / requested by the user... :/
> These large WAR etc. files are a real problem in GlassFish. And I say
> GlassFish because Tomcat has two lib folders. shared/lib and
> common/lib that prevent problems like you are experiencing. (sorry I
> am repeating myself, just making it clear to the other people reading)
> And this begs the question, if I want to deduce the size of my WAR
> file, where do I copy the dependencies to in GlassFish 3 ? The
> domainX/lib ?
> After I know this I would like to do some testing and maybe Kristian
> can too.
Looks you two have a good test meeting here, testing large WAR file is
a good test case, I have asked around
for help, let's wait for some time on this, good suggestions, thanks
Kristian and Richard ... :-)
> regards
> Richard.