
Re: java ee dependency management (Re: admin_gui not starting anymore when xercesImpl.jar present in domain1/lib/?)

From: Gail Risdal <Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 10:07:45 -0700

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Hi Gail;
> sorry, almost overlooked your mail browsing my FishCAT inbox. :)
> Gail Risdal schrieb:
>>Regarding your doc comment in this thread ... I asked around and didn't
>>uncover the information you mentioned. Maybe you can help with this FAQ
>>...? =) It's a good suggestion.
> Well, sure, why not. :) The only problem, however, is that in my case it's a
> question I do have, but I don't have an answer to that. The question would
> be something, like: "What kind of libraries / jars go to the various
> folders in <domain_home>/lib/"? Maybe some people out there know better than
> me (as I am actually doing trial-and-error about that at the moment -
> figuring out that, in example, copying a JDBC driver jar to
> <domain_home>/lib/databases/ left it obviously "invisible" to the app
> server: Creating a data source using using a class in a jar deployed to
> <domain_home>/lib/databases/ ended in a ClassNotFoundException; copying the
> same jar to <domain_home>/lib/ext/ (like I would have done in gfv2) worked.
> Peculiar, or did I just miss the point? ;)

Hi Kristian ...

I always like to mention the FAQs, because people often discover things
in the course of troubleshooting/trial-and-error and FAQs can be a good
place to capture that information for others
Contributions to the FAQs are always welcome and encouraged.

But I understand you're looking for answers. Perhaps someone on the list
can address the good question you posed (and the additional details you

"What kind of libraries / jars go to the various folders in

Thanks for raising the question and investigating this, Kristian.

- Gail

> Cheers & all the best,
> Kristian