
Re: JDBC section in admin gui broken

From: Sherry Shen <Sherry.Shen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2009 10:55:21 -0700

From Anissa:
"For me, seems that web distribution has higher chance of hitting the bug."

I observed another intermittent amx failure.
In RE v3 build around July 30,  NPE in amx test on web.zip
was shown twice.  In the third run by Terena, the problem was gone.
I can't reproduce the quicklook failure on Linux using JDK 6
(1.6.0_14-b08).  Lloyd can't reproduce the failure on Mac.

Wouter van Reeven wrote, On 8/3/2009 10:13 AM:
Hi Lloyd,

Thanks so much for spending time on this issue. I realize I didn't put this in
the issue, but I can easily reproduce it on Linux using JDK 6 (1.6.0_14-b08).
Perhaps that will give you a clue for how to reproduce this?

Thanks, Wouter

On Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 09:55:16AM -0700, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
No surprise nothing works— the MBeanServer is apparently null.  I see a slew of these failures.

I'm changing the title of the bug accordingly.  I have never seen this failure before.  I can scan the code and hope to see a
problem, but not being able to reproduce it is a problem.

failure creating ProxyFactory: , java.lang.NullPointerException: "null"

On Aug 2, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Anissa Lam wrote:

    Hi Wouter,

    I think i know what maybe going on.   Looking at the issue, it really
    shouldn't be platform or browser or distribution specific.   We are hitting
    issue# https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=8708 
    The fact that the applications bean not found should never happen.

    java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException:

    In fact, this is affecting more than just the resource node.  If you click
    the Applications tree node, the right frame will show exception also. 
    This is an intermittent issue, although once you hit it,  it happens
    majority of time.  
    Since Lloyd marked that bug fixed,  I have seen the problem again, and he
    said he put in more information in case that happens again.
    For me, seems that web distribution has higher chance of hitting the bug.  
    When i tried 8/1 nightly web,  i got the error 2 out of 3 times.  For you
    its the full distribution.   I know Yifeng has been testing resources on
    b57, but she hasn't filed any issue, so sounds like it works for her. 

    Once you hit the error, it will not recover by itself, you have to restart
    the server and hopefully won't hit it.  
    Also,  I always start my own build using  glassfish/bin/startserv --debug
    ,  not sure if that decrease the chance for hitting the bug.  You can give
    it a try.

    I am going to update issue #8980 that you submitted and attach my
    server.log to it so Lloyd can take a look.   Please attach your server.log
    as another data point as well.


    Wouter van Reeven wrote:

        Hi Anissa,

        Thanks for trying this out as well. I think you should know I *never* use the
        web distribution. I *always* use the full distribution. Maybe this is a problem
        on Linux only? I downloaded glassfish-v3-preview-b57-unix.sh and that is the
        version I had the problem with.

        Thanks, Wouter

        On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 08:42:30AM -0700, Anissa Lam wrote:

            Hi Wouter,

            Thanks for trying out b57.
            I almost want to say  i cannot reproduce the problem, but then i decided
            to download web distribution to test it out also.  Glad i did :)
            This issue seems to occur only in web distribution, but not glassfish
            distribution.   I don't understand why since the code should be the same
            in both for jdbc.  I need to look into this further.
            For the time being,   work around is to install glassfish distribution.
            The zip file can be found as:


            Wouter van Reeven wrote:

                Hi all,

                Last night I noticed the JDBC section in the admin gui of build 57 is
                Everytime I click JDBC Resources, Connection Pools or open a Connection
                pool I
                get this exception in the logs:

                java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException:

                The admin console won't even display any JDBC Resource despite them being
                Everything works fine when I use the CLI. I have created issue 8980 for

                Thanks, Wouter

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Lloyd Chambers
GlassFish Team