
Re: Help Required

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 00:38:51 -0700

Thanks Smitha and Homer for the help :-)

Hi Dwarakanath,

May be after you learn all these, you can give your school classmates a
talk on how to config GlassFish
cluster and LB ?

Smitha Prabhu wrote:
> Hi Dwarakanath,
> The LB plugin is only a plugin and you will need to manual set up LB on anyone of the Webservers.
> You can look at http://blogs.sun.com/sprabhu7/ if you are using Apache WebServer.
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/build/GlassFish_LB_Cluster.html for Sun WebServer.
> http://blogs.sun.com/kshitiz/entry/configuring_glassfish_load_balancer_plugin for IIS.
> HTH,
> Smitha
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Homer Yau <Homer.Yau_at_Sun.COM>
> Date: Monday, June 1, 2009 4:24 pm
> Subject: Re: Help Required
> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>> Hi Dwarakanath,
>> This file "aslb-9.1-MS4-b1.jar" consist the loadbalance plugin. You
>> have to unjar and unzip the files to get files and the directory
>> structure.After unjar and unzip those files, place/copy them to the
>> directory structure that readme instruction . (file layout )
>> There are two zip files in this jar file.
>> SUNWaslb.zip -- template for Load Balance
>> SUNWaspx.zip -- plugin library files
>> Hope this will get you some idea to continue.
>> Below is what I unjar and unzip from this "aslb-9.1-MS4-b1.jar"
>> file.
>> homer-yaus-macbook-pro:Downloads homeryau$ jar -tvf aslb-9.1-MS4-
>> b1.jar 9632 Sat Jan 20 04:24:54 PST 2007 SUNWaslb.zip
>> 2417529 Sat Jan 20 04:25:02 PST 2007 SUNWaspx.zip
>> homer-yaus-macbook-pro:Downloads homeryau$ mkdir test
>> homer-yaus-macbook-pro:Downloads homeryau$ cd test
>> homer-yaus-macbook-pro:test homeryau$ jar -xvf ../aslb-9.1-MS4-
>> b1.jar extracted: SUNWaslb.zip
>> extracted: SUNWaspx.zip
>> homer-yaus-macbook-pro:test homeryau$ ls
>> SUNWaslb.zip SUNWaspx.zip
>> homer-yaus-macbook-pro:test homeryau$ unzip SUNWaslb.zip
>> Archive: SUNWaslb.zip
>> creating: lib/
>> creating: lib/dtds/
>> inflating: lib/dtds/sun-loadbalancer_1_0.dtd inflating:
>> lib/dtds/sun-loadbalancer_1_1.dtd inflating: lib/dtds/sun-
>> loadbalancer_1_2.dtd creating: lib/install/
>> creating: lib/install/templates/
>> inflating: lib/install/templates/loadbalancer.xml.example
>> inflating: lib/install/templates/ReadMe.UserDefinedLB
>> inflating: lib/install/templates/roundrobin.c inflating:
>> lib/install/templates/loadbalancer.h
>> homer-yaus-macbook-pro:test homeryau$ unzip SUNWaspx.zip
>> Archive: SUNWaspx.zip
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws61/
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws61/errorpages/
>> inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws61/errorpages/default-error.html
>> inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws61/errorpages/sun-http-
>> lberror.html inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws61/LBPluginDefault_root.res
>> inflating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws61/LBPlugin_root.res
>> inflating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws61/libpassthrough.so
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/apache/
>> inflating: lib/webserver-
>> plugin/solaris/apache/mod_loadbalancer.so inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/apache/LBPluginDefault_root.res
>> inflating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/apache/LBPlugin_root.res
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/apache2/
>> inflating: lib/webserver-
>> plugin/solaris/apache2/mod_loadbalancer.so inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/apache2/LBPluginDefault_root.res
>> inflating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/apache2/LBPlugin_root.res
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws/
>> creating: lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws/errorpages/
>> inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws/errorpages/default-error.html
>> inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws/errorpages/sun-http-
>> lberror.html inflating: lib/webserver-
>> plugin/solaris/iws/libpassthrough.so inflating: lib/webserver-
>> plugin/solaris/iws/LBPluginDefault_root.res inflating:
>> lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/iws/LBPlugin_root.res inflating:
>> lib/libxerces-c.so inflating: lib/libsupport.so
>> inflating: lib/libnsprwrap.so inflating: lib/libns-
>> httpd40.so inflating: lib/libnsfc.so inflating:
>> lib/libnstp.so inflating: lib/libdirmon4.so
>> inflating: lib/libnstime.so inflating: lib/libgetprop.so
>> inflating: lib/liblibsi18n.so inflating:
>> lib/libares3.so inflating: lib/libssldap50.so
>> inflating: lib/liblibdbm.so inflating: lib/libldap50.so
>> inflating: lib/libldappr50.so
>> Dwarakanath J wrote:
>>> Smitha,
>>> I have downloaded the NB from Netbeans site only.I also
>> found my glassfish home directory.But can you just tell me more how
>> I can use the LB bits
>> >from the AS and setup the same on my webserver.
>>> I am not able to figure that out.
>>> On 06/01/09 15:09, Smitha wrote:
>>>> Hi Dwarakanath,
>>>> Where did u pick up the NB bits from ? Also, can you try to start
>> your glassfish server from NB and see where the Glassfish is
>> installed.>>Also, if there is already a lbplugin directory (in
>> which case you installed an ee version of glassfish) you wil not
>> need to download the LB bits from this location. You can start
>> using the LB bits from the AS and setup LB on your WebServer.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Smitha
>>>> Dwarakanath J wrote:
>>>>> I have installed Glassfish along with Netbeans 6.5.I downloaded
>> the load balancing plugin from the following location,
>>>>> http://download.java.net/javaee5/external/SunOS/aslb/jars/aslb-
>> 9.1-MS4-b1.jar
>>>>> <http://download.java.net/javaee5/external/%3COS%3E/aslb/jars/aslb-9.1-MS4-b1.jar>
>>>>> Awaiting for your reply.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dwarak
>>>>> On 06/01/09 13:51, Homer Yau wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dwarakanath J,
>>>>>> May I know where and which binary bits have you download?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Homer
>>>>>> Dwarakanath J wrote:
>>>>>>> Homer,
>>>>>>> Thanks for the reply!
>>>>>>> I am not able to find that path,"/home/dj228038/glassfish-
>> v2.1/lib/lbplugin">>>>>but I need this for installing my glassfish
>> cluster with load balancer plugin.
>>>>>>> Please Help. :-(
>>>>>>> On 06/01/09 13:01, Homer Yau wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Dwarakanath J,
>>>>>>> >From the email threads "/home/dj228038/glassfish-v2.1/"is
>> your ${glassfish.home}.
>>>>>>>> In your environment do you have this path
>> "/home/dj228038/glassfish-v2.1/lib/lbplugin"?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Homer
>>>>>>>> Dwarakanath J wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the replies Elena,Sankar.I have deleted that
>> domain and I have build ant setup-cluster.xml!
>>>>>>>>> But now I am not able to figure where the glassfish home
>> directory is,
>>>>>>>>> In the tutorial it has been given that,
>>>>>>>>> *${glassfish.home}/lib/lbplugin"
>>>>>>>>> *Please tell the absolute path for this directory,or how to
>> get into this directory(I am working on Solaris SPARC machine).
>>>>>>>>> Awaiting for your Reply!
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Dwarak
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> *On 05/31/09 23:05, Judy Tang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Elena and Sankar, Thanks for help. See you at JavaOne.
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dwarak, Nice to meet you and good luck to your school !
>>>>>>>>>> Judy
>>>>>>>>>> Elena Asarina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Dwarakanath,
>>>>>>>>>>> You apparently already had a directory
>> /home/dj228038/glassfish-v2.1/domains/domain1, for this reason the
>> installation failed. You can have both Glassfish V2 and V3. But
>> you need to use different installation directories and if you want
>> them to run simultaneously you need to use different ports.
>>>>>>>>>>> I believe installation with setup-cluster.xml should
>> work if you will select a new installation directory.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, using ---domaindir, it is possible to create
>> domain1 in not default location. But in this case, domain has to
>> be created with asadmin command create-domain, i.e.
>> <AS_HOME>/bin/asadmin create-domain ...... See asadmin help for
>> details.>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>> Elena
>>>>>>>>>>> Dwarakanath J wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Everybody,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am Dwarakanath Sun Campus
>> Ambassador from SASTRA University,INDIA.I have great Zeal for
>> AppServers and I have lot of appetite to learn about Glassfish.I
>> feel great to be a part of this community.
>>>>>>>>>>>> From Alans link,I started of building the setup-
>> cluster.xml,but my build failed and I got the following error,
>>>>>>>>>>>> *"remove.domain.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [echo] Deleting File -> /home/dj228038/glassfish-
>> v2.1/lib/install/templates/cluster/domain.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> create.domain:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [exec] Domain domain1 already exists in
>> /home/dj228038/glassfish-v2.1/domains. Use a different domain name
>> or the --domaindir option.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI130 Could not create domain, domain1
>>>>>>>>>>>> BUILD FAILED
>>>>>>>>>>>> file:/home/dj228038/glassfish-v2.1/setup-cluster.xml:690:
>> exec returned: 1"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Queries:
>>>>>>>>>>>> * -I have installed both Glassfish v3 and V2 as well,is
>> it the reason for the problem?
>>>>>>>>>>>> -It asks to use a ---domaindir option.I am not able to
>> do this.please explain.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Awaiting For Your Reply!
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dwarak
>>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>> *On 05/31/09 04:58, Judy Tang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Alan, it is great to see you here to help out the
>> community. I can tell you have learned a lot about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GlassFish in the past one year :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Welcome Dwarak to GlassFish Quality Community. We have
>> a lot of experts here configure GlassFish
>>>>>>>>>>>>> clusters day in and day out. If you have any question,
>> just ask.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judy
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan Vargas wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dwarakanath,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read this tutorials and links for learn more about
>> clustering in Glassfish:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glassfish: GlassFish V2 with Cluster, Load Balancer
>> Configurations <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/build/GlassFish_LB_Cluster.html>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A quick guide to setup load balancing and high
>> availability cluster with Sun application server 8.1 - Mani's blog
>> <http://blogs.sun.com/cmani/entry/a_quick_guide_to_setup>>>>>>>>>>>>>glassfish: GlassFish V2 with Cluster, Load Balancer Configurations <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/build/GlassFish_LB_Cluster.html>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that these links can help you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dwarakanath J escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Guys,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to know more about working of
>> glassfish on clusters.How to configure it?and so on.Please forward
>> me some materials for the same.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awaiting For Your Reply! :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dwarak
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