
[SJSU] common issues seen in Admin Console

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 23:58:14 -0700

Hi SJSU students,

Thanks for testing the admin console for promoted b44,  even on a Easter weekend :)  I really appreciate all your efforts.

I have evaluated all the bugs filed so far and would like to say a few words.    I can group most of the bugs in the following areas,  and would like you to add more info to the specified issue that has already been opened instead of opening another bug.   Even though the steps reproducing that maybe different, the underlying cause and the symptoms is the same, so adding more info to the same bug will ensure that we don't miss out any different scenario.
Here is the few bugs that i would like you to add comment to, instead of opening another bug that shows the same problem.  
  1. issue# 7458:   navigation tree not behaving as expected.  eg,  tree highlight,  icons,  indentation,  expanse/collapse etc. 
  2. issue# 7402:   page layout not quite correct after an action,  eg.  Save, Load Defaults,  table sorting etc.
  3. issue# 7626:   New Values Successfully Saved' message  displayed upon hitting Save without really changing any value.   (I have closed more than 10 duplicate bugs like this,  just for different GUI screens)
  4. issue# 7334:  missing navigation tree and header for some pages.,  ie you only see the main frame
Many reported the context sensitive help is not coming up after pressing the Help button.   Please be aware that you have installed and using JDK,  instead of JRE.   The error usually says something like:
     org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.err.nojdk
You can verify that by looking at the first few lines in  glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log,  it should have something like:
Apr 12, 2009 10:40:43 PM com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: JVM invocation command line:

Another common issue is relating to update center functionality in the console.  There has been issues relating to to the stability of the update center repository and a few bugs in the update center client jar that may contribute to that.   If you see an issue in the GUI,   try to bring up the updatetool and do the same and see if you can reproduce that before filing the bug against GUI.  

Hope this email clarifies the common issue, and can help you all going forward and continue testing.   Keep up the good work !!
