
Re: Admin GUI: Application Server > JVM Settings > General - Save Button

From: Yifeng <Yifeng.Luo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 17:27:24 -0700


If there is no value changed and GUI shows "New Values Successfully
Saved", I feel it is a bug. Please go ahead and file an issue.

Thanks for working on weekend.


Rahul Satasia wrote:
> Hello.!
> We are testing ADMIN GUI, and we found some GUI problem under
> following section:
> Go to the Application Server > JVM Settings Tab> Genera Tab.
> Now, click on "SAVE" button without changing any value in Text-Box,
> It will prompt "New Values Successfully Saved" message and "Restart
> Required" message(Link Button) in the header frame.
> My question is,
> - Why it shows the message "New Values Successfully Saved"
> and "Restart Required" without changing any value?
> - Is it require to RESTART without any change in JVM Settings?
> Now, Go to the Application Server > JVM Settings > General:
> - Click on "SAVE" button 5 times ( without changing any Values)
> - Click on : "Restart Required", It will navigate to "Restart
> Required" page.
> - Click on : "View reasons for requiring a restart", It will shows
> the table of changed value (It shows same table 5 Times, because I
> have clicked on "Save" button 5 times - Is it necessary to show table
> 5 times?) [See, Restart Required.png]
> I have tested this under IE 7, Mozilla v3, Safari beta 4, Windows
> Vista Business.
> Clicking on "View reasons for requiring a restart", shows table as per
> screenshot ([See, Restart Required.png])
> mark that at "Java-Home" and "bytecode-preprocessors" row, it won't
> shows the border under IE 7, but it was perfect for Mozilla v3, Safari
> beta 4.
> *Thank You,*
> *Rahul Satasia.*
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