
ISSUE in the ADMIN GUI's Common tasks Page's navigation

From: Rahul Satasia <imsatasia_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 07:18:14 +0530 (IST)

Hello!   I have found some ISSUE in the ADMIN GUI page (Tested on IE -7, Safari 4 Beta, Mozilla v3.06, Wndows Vista Business ), Below is the list of ISSUE:   1) Support Page: Directly clicking on "Support"  button in Tree menu should high-light "Support" button in the tree menu (see, support - 1.png). ISSUE1: Navigate on Support menu by clicking on "Support" button under Registration and support in Common tasks Page. It won't  high-light "Support" button in the tree menu(see, support - 2.png). ISSUE 2:  It's taking too much time for loading Header frame while clicking on "Support" button in tree menu.   2) Monitoring on Common task Page: Clicking on "View Monitoring Data" under monitoring  in Common tasks Page, It will high-light "Application Server" button in the tree menu and navigate to Application Server > Monitor > Web container. ISSUE 1: Won't Show me the navigation path(See, Monitoring - 2.png). It's shows me the navigation path(Application server >)(see, Monitoring - 1..png). if I goes manually but, It won't shows me If I goes from "Common Tasks" Page. It's show me the navigation path (Configuration> Monitoring), (See, Config. monitoring.png) If I am clicking on "Configure Monitoring" button under Monitoring in Common tasks Page.   3) Update Center on Common task Page: Clicking on Installed component, Available Updates, Available Add-Ons: Issue1: Clicking on "Installed component" under Update Center on Common task Page, Won't High-light "Update Tool" in tree menu and won't shows the navigation path. (See, Installed Update - 1.png and Installed Update - 2.png) Issue2: Clicking on "Available Updates" under Update Center on Common task Page,Won't High-light "Update Tool" in tree menu and won't shows the navigation path.(See, Available Update - 1.png and Available Update - 2.png) But, Clicking on "Available Add-Ons" under Update Center on Common task Page, shows the Navigation path (Update tool ), and also high-lights "Update tool" in the tree menu.     Pls. reply If you have the same Issue. Thank You, Rahul Satasia. Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger.yahoo.com/invite/