
Re: Regarding application deployment

From: Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 08:44:30 +0100


Vikramjit Singh Virk schrieb:
> *exception*
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.err.nojdk
> *note* _The full stack traces of the exception and its root causes are
> available in the GlassFish/v3 logs._

A quick shot here: Do you have a Sun JDK or just a JRE installed? In some
situations (not using Glassfish, though) in my early days I used to stumble
across errors like these running application servers without having a JDK

Can you provide the log output on that, too?


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
business: http://www.planconnect.de
personal: http://pictorial.zimmer428.net
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The earth might be uninhabited..."
//beckett / krapp's last tape//