
Re: Issue with Administration Settings Next Button.

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 18:18:13 -0700

Hi Sharvil,

Thank you for your detailed reporting. It is great to have you and
other students to help us
testing to improve the product usability. Will get back to you soon to
let you know it is
a bug or not.


sharvil shah wrote:
> HI Team,
> The description of the problem on Administration
> Settings Page is as follows:
> Run setup. Agree to license. Click Next on the Installation Directory
> with default path. Administration settings screen would be displayed
> with Option,"configure as anonymous user" selected and Admin Port and
> HTTP Port text boxes enabled. Now change the value of both the text
> box to any random value and click back. Click next on Installation
> Directory Page and we are back to Administration Settings Page with
> default values in Admin and HTTP Port fields. So in this case old
> values are not retained when we click on back and get back to
> Administration Settings page.
> Now change the value of port to some invalid values. Values less than
> 1 or greater than 65535 or any alphabets. Click on Next. You will see
> an error message. Click Ok. You are still on Administration Settings
> Page. Click Back. On Installation Directory Page click next. You would
> be redirected to Administration Settings page and old values would be
> retained in the Admin Port field and HTTP Port field which we believe
> is not a consistent behavior for back button.
> So can you please look into matter and let us know whether it is an
> implemented feature or some bug.
> Regards,
> Sharvil