
Re: Querry with a bug

From: Nolan Luu <Nolan.Luu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 16:43:36 -0700

Hi Sharvil,

For this case, to make thing clear for the user, the installer should
retain the selected option "I already have sun online account" instead
of going back to the default option. Please go ahead and file a bug
using Issue Tracker.



sharvil shah wrote:
> HI Quality Team,
> We found some issue with product
> registration screen. Details are as follows:
> Fun setup file, Agree to license. Select all default settings. Click
> Install on ready to install screen. You would be forwarded to Product
> Registration Screen. Select Option "I already have sun online
> account". Enter invalid user name or user password and click next. You
> will see a message something like "Sun Inventory Authentication
> Error". Click OK.You will be forwarded to Product Registration Screen.
> But on that screen, the field for User Name and User Password would
> contain the old values (i.e they wont get blank). Also Selection moves
> to option I do not have Sun Onlin Account. And User Name and User
> Password text box gets enabled. So its like we can enter any values in
> those fields with the selection of 1st option (i.e I dont have
> account), which we believe is somewhat weird. Things are not clear in
> functional specification. So can you let us know what is the expected
> output and what is going wrong. I am also attaching a screenshot of
> same so you can have better idea of the stuff. Please do replay ASAP.
> Regards,
> Sharvil
> Team Phoenix
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