
Re: Opinions Wanted: v3 GUI Prototype

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 11:49:11 -0800

Hi Wouter,

The search currently searches exact-match whole words tags.  I think we may be able to enhance this to include partial matches, perhaps as an advanced search... or maybe by default (there are some performance issues to consider).  The search is already case-insensitive (or at least it's supposed to be -- I haven't done much testing).

The "search my tags only" feature hasn't been tested... it looks like it doesn't yet work.  However, if it had, the results would have been the same as not checking it b/c there is only 1 user in the system (the anonymous user).  When multiple different admin logins are enabled, this feature has more meaning.  :)

I think the reason that you did not see your 2 tags was again because we are not presenting the information in a clear way.  The search box accepts "tags," the results show "pages."  We do not currently have a search for "tags" (or even a page which lists them).  So, when you do an empty search, what is listed is all *pages* which have been tagged.  Further more, pages w/ 2 tags are listed twice (which is a bug).  You will see the 2 pages you tagged: "Connection Pools" and "JDBC Resources"... if you click on each of those links, you'll see (at the top of the right panel on each page), that your "tag" *is* listed.  I think we still have some work to do to make this more understandable and easier to use....



Wouter van Reeven wrote:
Hi Ken,

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 09:45:27AM -0800, Ken Paulsen wrote:
We don't have any documentation on the tagging feature yet, in fact it was
implemented in a couple of days right before the demo was announced as a
prototype feature.  One thing that is missing that we did plan to implement,
but didn't get in before the demo was a "tag map" (or tag cloud).  This would
show you all the tags in the system.  It would likely be a link from the tag
panel, the tag panel probably should show the most common tags as well...

OK I had a closer look at the tags feature and it is what I thought it would be:
some advanced bookmarking feature. Pretty cool! A few comments to some behaviour
I think you already have noticed yourself:

- When I add a tag it is visible in the tag pane to the right of the admin
  console. However, when I then click on the home button, the tag disappears!
  This is what got me confused.
- I have added two tags, JDBC Resources and JDBC Connection Pools. When I enter
  JDBC in the search field and click the Search button, no tags are found.
- When I leave the search field empty and then click the Search button, all tags
  get visible. however, my newly added JDBC connection Pools tag is missing.
- When I select the "Query only my tags" checkbox and hit the Search button, I
  get this exception

javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException while attempting to
process a 'command' event for 'queryTagButton'.

Apart from the above, this feature looks promising! Will the tag search feature
be case insensitive? And will it be possible to use wildcards?

Thanks, Wouter