
Re: Opinions Wanted: v3 GUI Prototype

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:56:57 +0100

Hi Ken,

Thanks for all your help and answers so far.

Greets, Wouter

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:49:11AM -0800, Ken Paulsen wrote:
> Hi Wouter,
> The search currently searches exact-match whole words tags. I think we may be
> able to enhance this to include partial matches, perhaps as an advanced
> search... or maybe by default (there are some performance issues to consider).
> The search is already case-insensitive (or at least it's supposed to be -- I
> haven't done much testing).
> The "search my tags only" feature hasn't been tested... it looks like it
> doesn't yet work. However, if it had, the results would have been the same as
> not checking it b/c there is only 1 user in the system (the anonymous user).
> When multiple different admin logins are enabled, this feature has more
> meaning. :)
> I think the reason that you did not see your 2 tags was again because we are
> not presenting the information in a clear way. The search box accepts "tags,"
> the results show "pages." We do not currently have a search for "tags" (or
> even a page which lists them). So, when you do an empty search, what is listed
> is all *pages* which have been tagged. Further more, pages w/ 2 tags are
> listed twice (which is a bug). You will see the 2 pages you tagged:
> "Connection Pools" and "JDBC Resources"... if you click on each of those links,
> you'll see (at the top of the right panel on each page), that your "tag" *is*
> listed. I think we still have some work to do to make this more understandable
> and easier to use....
> Thanks!
> Ken
> Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 09:45:27AM -0800, Ken Paulsen wrote:
> We don't have any documentation on the tagging feature yet, in fact it was
> implemented in a couple of days right before the demo was announced as a
> prototype feature. One thing that is missing that we did plan to implement,
> but didn't get in before the demo was a "tag map" (or tag cloud). This would
> show you all the tags in the system. It would likely be a link from the tag
> panel, the tag panel probably should show the most common tags as well...
> OK I had a closer look at the tags feature and it is what I thought it would be:
> some advanced bookmarking feature. Pretty cool! A few comments to some behaviour
> I think you already have noticed yourself:
> - When I add a tag it is visible in the tag pane to the right of the admin
> console. However, when I then click on the home button, the tag disappears!
> This is what got me confused.
> - I have added two tags, JDBC Resources and JDBC Connection Pools. When I enter
> JDBC in the search field and click the Search button, no tags are found.
> - When I leave the search field empty and then click the Search button, all tags
> get visible. however, my newly added JDBC connection Pools tag is missing.
> - When I select the "Query only my tags" checkbox and hit the Search button, I
> get this exception
> javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException while attempting to
> process a 'command' event for 'queryTagButton'.
> Apart from the above, this feature looks promising! Will the tag search feature
> be case insensitive? And will it be possible to use wildcards?
> Thanks, Wouter
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King Arthur: [after Arthur's cut off both of the Black Knight's arms] Look, you
stupid Bastard. You've got no arms left.
Black Knight: Yes I have.
King Arthur: *Look*!
Black Knight: It's just a flesh wound.
[Monty Python and the Holy Grail]