
Netbean and Eclipse Glassfish Plugin QA Status (Jan15 - Jan29)

From: Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:01:53 -0800

        *Netbean 7.0 with Glassfish V3*

    * Read and Review the Netbean70 GlassFish Plugin Task List
    * Tested GF V3-b32 against NB-NetBeans IDE Build 200901151401 on the
      following environment: OS:Win XP & JDK:jdk1.6.0_07
    * Tested nbjavaee6_dev build from Hudson on WinXP machine with
      jdk1.5.0_15 & jdk1.6.0_11
    * New Glassfish V3 Issues for Netbean 70
    * Issue 157107
      <http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=157107> Can not
      deploy JsfJpaCrud web sample application if JDBC driver deployment
      is enabled
    * Issue 157171
      NB6Dev:Unable to start Glassfish V3 download server
    * Issue 7063 <http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7063>
      SEVERE: WebModulePWC1270: Exception starting filter HTTPMonitorFilter

-Netbean 7.0 build can be downloaded from http://netbeans.org

        ****************Eclipse 3.4.x****************

    * Created a J2EE Module Test Spec for NexB Project

    * Linked Session Bean Test Spec to the NexB Project
    * New Eclipse Bundled bugs
    * Issue 103
      MacOS:Unable to start Eclipse from command line
    * Issue 104
      Should have a clearer message for a JDK path
    * Issue 106
      Glassfish Update Center for GF V2 does work
    * Issue 107
      Need to delete the .glassfish-glassfish-distro- to have GF
    * Issue 108
      Should not attached the failed deploy module to the server
    * Issue 97
      Error to access to war directory

-To download and Run Eclipse with Glassfish Server, please go here:
-Release note v 1.0.16 https://ajax.dev.java.net/eclipse/releasenotes.html

        Bugs Details

    * Current Netbean 70 Open Bugs P1-P3

    * Current Eclispe Bundled Open BugsIssues

For schedules, document and references of Glassfish Plugins, please
visits here <http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=NBPluginQA>