
Introducing GlassFish testing to University testing class

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 18:31:43 -0800

Hi All,

I put together the following documentation links for one university
testing class to help students getting start learning about
different GlassFish subcomponents and prepare them to help testing
GlassFish v3. May be you are interested in this information too.
If you know any University interested teaching GlassFish testing class,
please let us know :-)

GlassFish Projects to test: (this is Quick Start Guide
<http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4836> to get you started suing
GlassFish, for the complete set doc please click
   - Installer - Test GlassFish installer in different environment to
catch bugs, Quick Start Guide
<http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4836> Installation Guide
   - Update Center - Use Update Center to download different GlassFish
subcomponents and test them Installation Guide
<http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-5968> Update Tool
   - Admin GUI - Test GUI console to administrate GlassFish, may try GUI
open source tool Selenium to automate the GUI testing Administration
Guide <http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4495>
   - Monitoring - Monitoring the state of components and services to
identify performance bottlenecks, chapter 10 of Administration Guide
   - Deployment - To develop J2EE application and deploy it to
GlassFish Application Deployment Guide
   - AddpOn Component (OSGi Alliance <http://osgi.org>) - External
vendors can extend the functionality of Enterprise Server by developing
add-on components. GlassFish
     provides interfaces to enable add-on components to be configured,
managed, and monitored through existing Enterprise Server tools such as
the Administration Console
     and the asadmin utility. Add-On Component Development Guide
