
回复: Re: reply:

From: dinghy <dingis_at_qq.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:19:36 +0800

Many thanks to Sankar for detailed methods to change the static port.
 Any way,it's the best one when no changes come these days for us users.
 :) thanks
 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
  发件人: "Sankar Neelakandan"<Sankar.Neelakandan_at_Sun.COM>;
 发送时间: 2008年11月21日(星期五) 凌晨0:59
 收件人: "quality"<quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>;
 主题: Re: reply:

 The port 4848 is hard coded into <install_dir>/config/asadmin.conf file which asadmin uses to contact DAS when --port option is not provided.
If --port is provided to asadmin command it overrides the value in asadmin.conf file and uses it to contact DAS.

C:\Sun\SDK\config>cat asadminenv.conf

# Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# Defines the defaults for the asadmin script. This file should only contain simple properties. Edit judiciously.

You can decide to choose any port as your admin port and if you want asadmin to use it , modify this asadmin.conf file AS_ADMIN_PORT property.

When you install appserver the default admin port choosen is 4848 and that's the reason why this asadmin.conf file has 4848.

Hope this helps.


dinghy wrote: I use the enterprise version,you know ,I can define the port at the beginning.
 what does the default mean?
 Forever 4848,or the port defined at first?
 Surely it's a bug .
 -- ---------------- 原始邮件 ------------------
  发件人: "Jane Young"<Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>;
 发送时间: 2008年11月20日(星期四) 下午4:59
 收件人: "quality"<quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>;

 Why is this a bug?
You need to specify "--port 5858". If this option is not specified, it defaults to 4848.

dinghy wrote: descriptions:[ I set the port as 5858]
 D:\server\glassfish-v3-prelude\bin>asadmin set server-config.http-service.http-l
Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848].
Is the server up?
No such local command, set. To run remote commands, start the application server
(e.g. asadmin start-domain).
Command set failed.