
Some questions For GlassFish PlugIn _at_ Eclipse ===:);

From: dinghy <dingis_at_qq.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:46:02 +0800

1. GlassFish JVM usually has to changed to MaxPermSize 512m for my WorkSpace if I use the plugin @ eclipse.
 2.These days I found something interesting,if I change the class file or jsp or other,(do not deleting jars,you can only replace or add,the bug's defined with GF itself,and plugin has no right to delete...Ludo says) ,it needs the same time to deploy.
the orders I guess are:
 First if add class then copy it to glassfish/eclipseApp/ ..
then .reload the framework.10s
Secondly,if add jsp then copy it to glassfish/eclipseApp/ ..
then .reload the framework.10s
Then you may know I want to say.Any need to reload all the app when only a jsp is changed?and Class?

So until now,I have to go with both GF plugin and Tomcat-plugin.
If my work more related to jsps,I will use the tomcat plugin.
If my work more related to classes ,I will use glassfish plugin and close the auto-synchronized.Because during the time to reload I can have a cup of tea.
Tomcat plugin does not support .java/.class hot deploy,so ...........have to restart the server,