
RE: Re: reply:

From: dinghy <dingis_at_qq.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:14:01 +0800

Let's roll the map what we now face at work.
 Maybe it's truly only the problem of design and not 'BUG',but I think some thoughts will be changed.
 asadmin means the ApplicationServer Admin.
 In GF,outside there is a BIN/asadmin,inside there is also.Maybe GF v3 wants to take the CLI as static-cmds on every domain in /domains/
 As the CLI command,asadmin parameters should go with --adminport and --instanceport together almost everywhere.
 In fact,every distribution of glassfish created the default domain 'domain1' as --adminport 4848 and --instanceport 8080.
 But every distribution has the function for every user to change the ports at first when installing or in the domain[usually,domain1]'s domain.xml.
 A question is here.How does the default ports help for us?And furtherly,what does the [default ports] mean?if it's the admin-port-VALUE,or it's the 4848 you locked in GF-CLI-framework no matter if there's any changes in default domain[domain1]'s default domain.xml.
 So the default should help use more smoothly when we change the portNo in domain1.[domain.xml] or at first when installing.Many bugs comes from the default domain[domain1],such as you can't remove domain1 if you want to do cluster-config ,or cli-commands will error.From these bugs not closed,we can find the binding between domain1 and glassfish.
 And then the 'DEFAULT' should means the port no defined in Default-Domain's domain.xml.
 And then if GF really want to help us save a port--parameters ,it should not define the static port variable as 4848,and it should get the port-no from the default domain's domain.xml.
 From security or others,the default ports 4848 and 8080 and 8181 usually will be changed for normal production.So the default value as Locked or Static NOs in GF like 4848 lose there prior thoughts and has no special use and has to go to dirt with the time's going.
 So the bug comes out,and you may mention that when [domain1]'s gone,how do we define the default domain?
 Then I'd like to say smth.
 1.No default domains,all are useful and equal when CLI-Framework is used.
 2.Then how we can support the simple methods in CLI? I think the wokflow shold be 'forcing [asadmin login]with domain-id and the domain is the default'
 3.No matter what mentioned,static 4848 obviously should be changed to a dynamic one...because when we get the power form GF to change this,you should simplify this everywhere.
 Some is there,but not so proper there.
 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
  发件人: "Tim Quinn"<Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>;
 发送时间: 2008年11月20日(星期四) 晚上8:55
 收件人: "quality"<quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>;
 主题: Re: reply:

 dinghy wrote: I use the enterprise version,you know ,I can define the port at the beginning.
 what does the default mean?
 Forever 4848,or the port defined at first?
 Surely it's a bug .

No, it is not really a bug, if I understand what you are trying to do.

You are free to create multiple domains, all running at the same time on the same system. To work, each must use a different admin port. So when you use asadmin commands - or when you use the admin console - you must specify which admin port you want to connect to in order to choose which domain you want to talk to.

For the asadmin command utility the default port - the port it will use if you do not specify one - is 4848. If you want to talk to another one, as Jane suggested, use the --port option.

I hope that helps.

- Tim
 -- ---------------- 原始邮件 ------------------
  发件人: "Jane Young"<Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>;
 发送时间: 2008年11月20日(星期四) 下午4:59
 收件人: "quality"<quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>;

 Why is this a bug?
You need to specify "--port 5858". If this option is not specified, it defaults to 4848.

dinghy wrote: descriptions:[ I set the port as 5858]
 D:\server\glassfish-v3-prelude\bin>asadmin set server-config.http-service.http-l
Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848].
Is the server up?
No such local command, set. To run remote commands, start the application server
(e.g. asadmin start-domain).
Command set failed.