
Re: Re: Can you test this preview GlassFish plugin for Eclipse to addressfilelocking issues?

From: dinghy <dingis_at_qq.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 01:07:10 +0800

yeah,the file is tested for the UNLOCK problem,I think author change the output to server.log.I have the same condition with you.
 ------------------ Original ------------------
  From: "Survivant 00"<survivant00_at_gmail.com>;
 Date: 2008年10月23日(星期四) 凌晨0:50
 To: "dinghy"<dingis_at_qq.com>; "quality"<quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>;
 Cc: "Ludovic Champenois"<Ludovic.Champenois_at_sun.com>;
 Subject: Re: Can you test this preview GlassFish plugin for Eclipse to addressfilelocking issues?

dinghy the file you give me doesn't help.

now I press on STOP (red icon) in de debug view and nothing happen. I have to click on STOp in the servers view.

and I lost all the traces in the console. I only have this now.

Name of the domain started: [domain1] and
its location: [C:\glassfishv3-prelude\glassfish\domains\domain1].
Admin port for the domain: [4848].

and now.. I try this :

clean ...

chose an action that will failed (there is a exception in my webapp),

and if I press STOP.. GF will still be running.