
Re: Presentation proposal for DeVoxx

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <w.rittmeyer_at_jsptutorial.org>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 22:15:19 +0200

Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> Hi,
> In December the Belgian Java Users Group will organize DeVoxx (formerly known as
> JavaPolis). DeVoxx is the largest independent Java conference in the world. I
> have submitted a proposal for a presentation about GlassFish v3. The deadline is
> on Wednesday, October 15 so I still have some time to make corrections to my
> proposal. If anyone cares to give me some feedback, please feel free to do so.
> I have based the proposal on my own interests and my ability to prepare demos.
> The porposal is composed of a summary and an abstract. Thanks in advance for any
> feedback you have.
> Greets, Wouter

Hi Wouter,

nice to see that GF is presented at Devoxx ;-) For which kind of
presentation did you submit your proposal (university, BOF, conference
or Quickie)?

> (...)
> Abstract: An historic overview of GlassFish
> A summary of GlassFish core and components
> A summary of JSRs for Java EE 6
> - JSF 2.0
> - EJB 3.1
> - RESTfull web services
> OSGi support in GlassFish v3
> Demo's of JSF 2.0, EJB 3.1, REST and OSGi.

I consider the administrative tools (web based as well as asadmin and
GlassFish's ant-tasks) to be one of the plus sides of GlassFish. Thus I
think you should devote a few demonstrations for these. Of course any
live-demo eventually will cover some kind of adminstration (probably the
webbased admin console) - but asadmin and asant are also worth showing
in one of your demos.

Apart from this I think your outline looks promising.

I'm going to be at the conference, thus I'm looking forward to hearing
your talk.

Wolfram Rittmeyer
P.S.: Perhaps you should post your mail also to the developer list.