
Re: RFE: Admin Console login with anonymous

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:04:21 -0700

Hi Jim,

I am not sure about your suggestion.
The design is to by-pass the login page if anonymous user is the only
user in the system. This is the behavior in promoted build 25. This
is the out-of-box behavior.
If you add another admin user to the system or change the anonymous
user password, then you get to the login page. I don't think we need a
checkbox in the login screen.


Jim Jiang wrote:
> V3 allow the user to login with anonymous by default.
> It should be more user-friendly that to prompt user about this in the
> login page.
> If a checkbox designed to set the default login user name will be very
> helpful especially for the non-Englisher user.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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