
RE: Update tool returns -10827 on b25

From: jack_spallaw <xbl08325_at_nifty.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 18:09:50 +0900 (JST)

Hi Judy,

>Should this message be improved ?
Sorry, I have no ideas.
But, I think, may be this error-code "-10827" was returned from python.
So I keep looking up this error-code in the document of "Python" now.
Give me few days please.


>Hi Jack,
>Looks like a regression in updatetool since this worked for you in b24.
>I saw you already filed an issue #6175 to keep track on
>this updatetool error. Thanks. Let me cc updatetool developer in the
>loop to let us know what this error means. Should this
>message be improved ?
><>But an error has occured below :
>$ /Applications/glassfishv3-prelude/bin/updatetool
>2008-09-20 13:36:07.651 open[1810] LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -10827
>for application (null) urls
>jack_spallaw wrote:
>>Hi Judy,
>>>>>Thanks for filing this Update Tool issue. Let me cc your question to
>>>>>Update Tool developer.
>>Thank you at all times.
>>I can't install the "grails" and the "jruby" into b25.
>>So I tried to test these on b24.
>>It works.
>>>>>Hi Jack,
>>>>>Thanks for filing this Update Tool issue. Let me cc your question to
>>>>>Update Tool developer.
>>>>>Hope you found the work around so you can continue your testing :-)
>>>>>Happy Fishcatting !
>>>>>jack_spallaw wrote:
>>>>>>I tried to launch the "Update tool".
>>>>>>Initialization could completed.
>>>>>>But an error has occured below :
>>>>>>$ /Applications/glassfishv3-prelude/bin/updatetool
>>>>>>2008-09-20 13:36:07.651 open[1810] LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -10827 f
or a
>>>>>lication (null) urls file://localhost/Applications/glassfishv3-prelude/up
>>>>>I posted the issue #6175.
>>>>>Isn't the "Update tool" stable ?
>>>>>And I watched the "Update Tool" on Admin-gui-console.
>>>>>I would like to install glassfish-jts and glassfish-corba-omgapi.
>>>>>But I can't find glassfish-corba-omgapi.
>>>>>Is glassfish-corba-omgapi out of service on b25 ?
>>>>>Please tell me above.