
Re: What do I set up the configuration of "Transaction Service" ?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 11:57:14 -0700

Thanks Jack for posting your question and thanks Anissa for always going
extra steps to help the community.


Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi,
> Support for 'Transaction Service' management in the console is not a
> delivery for v3 Prelude. You will need to use the get or set command in
> CLI to change the attributes.
> Can you tell me what exactly and why you need to change from the default
> value ? That will be useful information from us, and i can also send you
> the CLI command on how to change the attribute you need in case you are
> not familiar with CLI get/set.
> thanks
> Anissa.
> 竹内 慎助 wrote:
>> This is Captain Jack Spallaw.
>> What do I set up the configuration of "Transaction Service" ?
>> I would like to set up the configuration of "Transaction Service".
>> But I can't find the "Transaction Service" under the "Configuration".
>> Please teach me the way to set up the configuration of "Transaction
>> Service".
>> Now I'm using the glassfishv3-prelude-b22.
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