
Glassfish handle BindException ?

From: Survivant 00 <survivant00_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 18:47:50 -0400

I have one question. How Glassfish handle BindException in the applications
deployed ?

What I want to know is this : Does Glassfish log only the stacktrace of the
BindException like the JRE, or it's more bright than that and add the IP,
interface and the port in the message ?

I had this problem with WAS in prod this week. I found a BindException in
the Error.log of WAS, but no idea on which port !

In my webapp if I have to do create to bind on a specific port, I catch the
Exception and log it properly in the log. But the problem that I had this
week, was a streaming channel that WAS was intentiate itself.

Does Glassfish do the same or it's log better ?

if not... Can you add a environement variable like

and if a BindException is catch we will have something meaninful.

BindException : IP[192.xxx.xxx.xxx]; port [9876]...