
Re: Glassfish v2ur2 with openSolaris

From: Thierry Trappler <Thierry.Trappler_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 14:02:16 +0200
A quick update on this.
By discussing with a contact in openSolaris, it seems this problem is a known one since openSolaris does not ship with the x/motif libraries (due to a license problem).
So just the installation in text mode (option -console) is working.

Thierry Trappler a écrit :
Yes thank you for the pointer
But, it doesn't solve my problem unfortunately.
Im not running the binary on the console of the machine. using a x terminal (being logged as root on the openSolaris box with DISPLAY variable set).
When running the binary within a truss, here is the ouptut (run.out file) I'm having.
Hopefully, someone will be able to tell me what happens.

On 09/17/08 06:21 PM, Judy Tang wrote:
Thanks Priyanka for giving the pointer.  It is very helpful :-)

Priyanka Palanethra wrote:
Hi Thierry,

You can go through this blog http://blogs.sun.com/hasham/entry/opensolaris_2008_05_x_display
I hope this would solve your problem.


Thierry Trappler wrote:
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the reply but this is not my problem.
I already have the correct stuff on both my workstation (clients can connect from any host) and the openSolaris machine (DISPLAY variable set).
BTW, on the openSolaris machine I'm able to run the gui installer for IDM without this problem. When running the gui installer for GF (sjsas_ee-9_1_02-solaris-i586.bin) it returns this error.
Still don't know what happens here.
Is somebody already tried to run this binary file on openSolaris ?

Alex Pineda a écrit :

The error that you see is derived from the XServer trying to run the tool and not having
the proper permissions to execute it.  In most cases and if you open up the permissions,
then the tool will work.  Try the following at the command line  on a terminal window,

machine % /usr/openwin/bin/ xhost +  (and you should see the following message)
  "access control disabled, clients can connect from any host"

In most cases, the problem is caused by starting when you login as one user (for example
root) and trying to run a tool as another (for example alex).

I hope this helps.

Alex Pineda

On 09/16/08 06:03 AM, Thierry Trappler wrote:
Hi y'all
Just starting with openSolaris. Wanted to install GF V2ur2 (AS9.1u2) on it the same way as I installed it for a Solaris 10 box.
So, wanted to run the binary sjsas_ee-9_1_02-solaris-i586.bin for example.
My DISPLAY variable is well defined but the script refused to run
Connecting to X11 server '<fqdn>:0.0'.
Error: Cannot connect to X11 server '<fqdn>:0.0'.
Check that the DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set or try
rerunning this application with the following usage:
   'sjsas_ee-9_1_02-solaris-i586.bin' -console

My understanding is that, even if I'm using openSolaris (05.2008), I can install GFv2ur2 just bu running the binary.
I was thinking it is supported.

What do you think ?


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