
Re: [Issue 6104] [other] Restart of GF v3 prelude b24 From Netbeans 6.5 Dev Causes Errors

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:36:06 -0500

Sreekanth wrote:
> Tim,
> Looks like it was a problem with server restart.
> I tried to deploy the war files with out observing that it didn't start
> properly.
> I am also attaching the server log so that you can analyse the problem.
I think others are addressing/have addressed the restart issue. I just
wanted to make sure that the autodeploy problem was not something
separate from the restart issue. Certainly if the server has trouble
restarting then it might not reach the point where it runs the
autodeployer on its own thread, which would certainly explain what you

- Tim
> Thanks,
> Sreekanth
> On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 10:10 -0500, Tim Quinn wrote:
>> Sreekanth wrote:
>>> Sahoo,
>>> I am facing similar problems with b24 build(Not with Netbeans).
>>> During server restart, some times It says: Error starting domain:
>>> domain1.It didn't start in 90 seconds.
>>> Also the autodeploy doesn't work well even.The war files are not
>>> deployed when placed in autodeploy dir.
>> Sreekanth, what does "autodeploy doesn't work well" mean, exactly? That
>> feature has been working fine for some time in v3.
>> Are there any messages in server.log at the time you place the app into
>> the autodeploy directory?
>> Do you see this problem with autodeploy only when the server does not
>> start up quickly (i.e. the 90 seconds problem) or do you see this even
>> when the server starts quickly?
>> - Tim
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