Thanks for testing glassfish. It is a very nice report and very easy to
follow with all the screenshots.
I will try to answer your question regarding admin console, and I will
transfer all the issues with online help to document team.
1). I am not able to reproduce this one. But I notice you are using IE
chinese version. I am not sure if this is a problem with locale, could
you please open an issue with admin_gui sub-component?
2) Yes.
3) this is a known issue.
https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=6054>Please wait
for next promoted build 25.
4) this is http-listener-2, it is disabled by default
You can enable from admin console, click Configuration-->HTTP
Service-->http-listener-2, click checkbox Enabled for Listener, save
your changes.
Access by the following URL:
5) For the rest of the questions. I will forward to doc team.
shu_yd wrote:
> Hello,
> Please forgive me that my English is so poor. I put all my questions
> in the document, please download it. In order to explain more clearly,
> I provide so much screenshots, and if you cann’t see them clearly, you
> can copy them, and use some photo-mamage software to magnify them.
> There are 11 points in total here.
> from: Yindong Shu
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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