Hi all,
This is the second FishCAT weekly status report. Here is an update.
Thank you all for participating in FishCAT testing !
FishCAT looks:
* FishCAT members tested b23 (9/6 - 9/11)
* FishCAT members filed 12 bugs (9/5 - 9/11), bug report
* FishCAT members tested Liferay, jMaki, big applications
FishCAT says
* Thanks for testing on b23, this build is more stable, the bugs
filed are less compare with last two weeks. Overall, we had 12
issues opened.
* This weeks' top bug submitters are Adam, Sebastien, Dick, Wim,
Wouter, Wang Lei, Jose. Thanks for your great effort.
* We got great support from Jim Jiang, who is from Sun globalization
team. He developed cmdant, a tool can be used for Admin CLI
testing. He used this cmdant to generate a list of CLI command's
manpage. Thanks Jim.
* Jose Noheda tested a demo Spring MVC application with SLF4J &
LegionOfBouncyCastle cryptography on b23. He reported all tests
are passed. Thanks Jose!
* Thanks Adam Bien for testing b23 with big app liferay.
* Shinsuke Takeuchi (Jack) tested jMaki and gave clear and detailed
report. He also had very good doc review comments. Many thanks to
your hard work !
* Sebastien wrote a wonderful blog about how to setup Joomla on
Glassfish. Check it out blog
* Julien Ponge had an IzPack-based installer for Glassfish V3 and
shared experience with everyone!
b24 is out. Please use this build for testing and happy fishcatting!