
Re: Early form of an IzPack installer for V3 Prelude

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:57:39 -0700

Thanks is great work and great review. Thanks Julien and Chris !

Julien Ponge wrote:

>Hi Chris,
>>This is very nice!
>Thanks :-)
>>I also added a link to your download on the Examples page under:
>>I hope you don't mind the exposure. : )
>>1) I was impressed that the JAR file was automatically executed once it was
>>downloaded via my browser. It was a pleasant surprise to not have to drop
>>to the command line and run java to execute the jar.
>Yes, it is a simple 'java -jar' archive, so with a suitable
>configuration on the OS-side, this is what you can expect.
>>2) It would be nice to automatically download the Update Tool GUI via the
>>initial bootstrap. Doing so will result in the desktop notifier being
>>registered as a desktop start up task.
>>Currently, it looks like the bootstrap is being invoked to complete the pkg
>>client. At least providing an option that is selected by default to install
>>the Update Tool GUI and notifier would be useful.
>Allright. I'll have another look at that. What is currently done is a
>simple invocation of the ucbootstrap JAR. BTW I had to dig into the
>source code to find out which options you can have in the properties
>file that you pass to the bootstrapper :-)
>>3) Although the installer made it look like it should appear, I didn't see a
>>"GlassFish" entry under my Applications/Start menu on my desktop. I hope I
>>don't have to log out and log back in to see the Applications entry. Again,
>>I am using Gnome on Ubuntu.
>This is a matter of configuration. It should create the shortcuts
>properly on Windows, but for FreeDesktop-compliant WMs you need
>another specification file that I did not create. Let's put that on
>the todo-list.
>>4) When the browser installed the web admin UI, the browser ended up
>>displaying a blank page. Reloading the page brought up the admin UI. Might
>>not be an installation issue.
>The issue here is that Glassfish starts way too fast unlike v2 or
>"other unnamed application servers" ;-)
>>5) Default nstall directory: I think it should be "GlassFish" rather than
>Ok. For some reason I thought the proper name was Glassfish and not GlassFish...
>>6) glassfish/bin/asadmin was not executable after installation (I had
>>performed a mass update of the installation using the Update Tool GUI after
>>installation. I am not sure if that may have caused this problem.) Might
>>not be an installer issue at all.
>I'll check out that, as the installer is supposed to turn the
>executable bit on those files.
>Depending on personal availability, I'll perform a bunch of updates
>soon and keep you guys updated. I will also make further Windows
>testing, something I did not have time to do.