
Re: Can you try this for client side uploading ?

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:49:44 -0700

Thanks 魔力猫咪 for confirming that changing the maxSize in web.xml to -1 solved the problem.
Glad to hear that TeamCity 3.1.2 can be deployed through the admin console and runs well now.

We are also thinking to remove this upload size limit from the console.   Once i change that, i will mark the issue# 5874 resolved.
You may want to file another issue against CLI deployment,
asadmin deploy --upload=true TeamCity.war Error "java head space Command deploy Failed"

I will look at why the console doesn't show TeamCity as deployed web app.    Will you see this deployed application in the console after you restart the server ?   I remember there was a bug filed aganist amx regarding this, but i don't have the issue # now.

Again, thanks for your help in improving GlassFish and Admin Console quality.


魔力猫咪 wrote:

我安装Glassfish v3 b23,进行了测试在替换了felix后。缺省设置下,公司的系统可以正常安装运行。TeamCity不能通过"Packaged file to be uploaded to the server"安装,但是用"Local packaged file or directory that is accessible from the Application Server"安装后,运行没有有问题。maxsize修改为-1后,好像Glassfish对上传文件大小的设定关闭了,公司系统和TeamCity均 可以通过"Packaged file to be uploaded to the server"安装,并正常运行。
说真的,使用"Packaged file to be uploaded to the server"安装,但是文件超过maxsize的报错实在是不怎么样。无论谁看了都会以为是控制台有问题,而不是自己的war大小超标。
asadmin deploy --upload=true TeamCity.war 报错
java head space
Command deploy Failed
asadmin deploy --upload=false TeamCity.war 成功,运行也正常。但是无法在控制台看到部署成功的项目。

I installed Glassfish v3 b23, was tested after the replacement of a felix. Default, the company developed systems can be installed normal operation. TeamCity can not be "Packaged file to be uploaded to the server" installation, but with "Local packaged file or directory that is accessible from the Application Server" After the installation, operation without a problem. maxSize amended to -1, like Glassfish upload file size of the set closed, the company system and can be passed TeamCity "Packaged file to be uploaded to the server" to install and operate normally.
Really, the use of "Packaged file to be uploaded to the server" installation, but the document over maxsize error is less kind.No matter who will read that the console is a problem, rather than their own war over the size maxSize.
Command-line deployment test
asadmin deploy --upload=true TeamCity.war Error "java head space Command deploy Failed"
asadmin deploy --upload=false TeamCity.war Success, operating normally. But not in the console to see the deployment of successful projects.

2008/9/9 Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam@sun.com>

Thanks so much for trying different test.   I am still looking at the issue.
Please see my inline comments:

魔力猫咪 wrote:
今天中午,我再次进行了测试。因为我在公司用的是自己的Vista笔记本。所以和昨天报告BUG的环境有点不一样。昨天我用的是家 里的XP 台式机。

我按照要求,把配置文件中的maxSize提高到20000000。我分别使用"Packaged file to be uploaded to the server"和"Local packaged file or directory that is accessible from the Application Server"方式部署TeamCity 3.1.2,但是均在屏幕上显示"An error has occurred"。
If the 'Local packaged file' option also shows the error,  it may not be related to the maxSize limit.

我自己又部署了一个公司开发中的系统(39M)。这个以前在Glassfish v2 b04中部署成功过。但是这次也出现了"An error has occurred"。Server.log报"java.net.URISyntaxException"异常。详细情况可以看我的日志附件。13:18 到13:30时间段。

然后我把maxSiz改回到10000000,结果同上。Server.log报"java.net.URISyntaxException"错误。 13:40到13:45时间段。
I think you are hitting a bug that does not allow server to be installed in a directory which has a space in the path.  I think this is fixed in promoted build 23.

最后修改maxSize到0。使用"Packaged file to be uploaded to the server"和"Local packaged file or directory that is accessible from the Application Server"方式部署TeamCity3.1.2,屏幕现实"HTTP Status 500"错误。异常为"javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: viewId:/web/webApp/upload.jsf - View /web/webApp/upload.jsf could not be restored."。13:48到13:51时间段
Looks like the '0' is illegal and cannot be handled.

前两个参数部署虽然出错,但是glassfishv3-prelude\glassfish\domains\domain1\ applications下会留下部署到一半失败的文件,第三次则是空的。
测试完v3b22,我又在Glassfish v2 b04上提高maxSize到20000000。使用"Packaged file to be uploaded to the server" 部署TeamCity 3.1.2安装成功,运行正常。

Thanks for all your time.

If you don't mind, can you do the following:

With promoted build 23,  http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-prelude-b23.zip
unzip to a directory without any space.

1.  Try your 公司开发中的系统(39M) using the 'Packaged file to be uploaded to the server'.
2.  Change the 'maxSize' to -1  and try to deploy TeamCity.   Try both options.

3.  Can you also try using CLI to deploy ? Here is the command.  Please try both.

    asadmin deploy --upload=true TeamCity.war

    asadmin deploy --upload=false TeamCity.war

thanks very much.