
Re: [Issue 5978] [command_line_interface] 90 Seconds are not sufficient for "bigger" web apps

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 10:53:56 +0200

Hi Km,

what I did:

1. I downloaded the V3 bundled.
2. Migrated the lib folder from V3 to v3 prelude
3. I moved log4j.jar from lib to lib/ext
4. Copied the hsql files in domain/config

It worked perfectly for TP2 but not in prelude b23...


km_at_dev.java.net schrieb:
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5978
> ------- Additional comments from km_at_dev.java.net Tue Sep 9 03:02:48 +0000 2008 -------
> Trying something with Liferay is a waste of time. I ended up downloading their
> GlassFish bundle of 145M only to learn that it is with V2. I could find
> absolutely nothing about how I can make v3 work with Liferay. They only have
> bundles, no application deployment/post install action scripts (ANT scripts eg.)
> Anyway, how do I try what you tried out?
> My understanding is that as soon as the admin port is opened "for
> communication", the start-domain command returns. I need to reproduce this with
> large application. Can you point me to the right application that I can deploy
> and restart the domain to reproduce the issue?
> Thanks.

 Consultant, Author, Java Champion
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