
Re: Tiny tool for v3 admin CLI QL tests

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2008 01:35:33 -0700

Thanks, Jim!
Good Job.

Jim Jiang wrote:

> Hi,
> I have developed a tool called *cmdant *which is ant-base tool for
> CLI testing. It was used for some l10n testing before.
> I did some modification for v3, hopefully it can be helpful for your
> Admin CLI QL testing.
> Its feature includes run and records the command's output(include its
> return value) exactly, generate a report for checking.
> The usage is very simple. Steps as below(Assume you already setup the
> ant environment):
> 1. put the cmdant.jar(attached) on the classpath.
> 2. modify the build.xml(attached) according your testing requirement:
> For example, try to run the command:
> "D:\work\gfqc\fishcat\b22\bin\asadmin.bat --help add-resources"
> 2.1 change the cmdpath according where the GF you installed:
> * <property name="cmdpath" value="D:\work\gfqc\fishcat\b22\bin"/>*
> 2.2 add the command to be tested as below:
> * <target name="remote_help" >
> <cmd executable="asadmin.bat">
> <arg line="--help add-resources"/>
> </cmd>
> </target>*
> For most case for asadmin, what your need to add is just the value
> for 'arg line'.
> 3. Run the tool as below:
> *ant -logger cmdant.CmdLogger remote_help* (Generate the
> *report.html*, see attached)
> ant remote_help (Without report generated)
> You can change the report layout by modify its template file
> 'test_output.template' which is in the cmdant.jar.
> If you have the interest for the source, please let me know.
> Regards,
> Jim
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Cmdant Executive Result *
> Locale: zh
> OS: Windows XP
> Created: Sun Sep 07 03:32:08 CST 2008
> Total (Pass/Fail): 3(3/0)
> *Target* *Command * *Return*
> local_help <#local_help_1> asadmin.bat --help backup-domain
> 0
> remote_help <#remote_help_1> asadmin.bat --help add-resources
> 0
> remote_help <#remote_help_2> asadmin.bat --help list
> 0
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat --help backup-domain Return:0
>Administration Commands backup-domain(1)
> backup-domain - performs a backup on the domain
> backup-domain [--domaindir domain_directory]
> [--description description] [--echo={true | false}][--terse={true | false}]
> [--verbose=false] [domain_name]
> The backup-domain command backs up files under the named
> domain. This command is supported in local mode only.
> --domaindir This option specifies the parent
> directory of the domain upon
> which the command will operate.
> The default is
> install_dir/domains.
> --description A description can contain any
> string to help identify the par-
> ticular backup. The description
> is displayed as part of the
> information for any backup.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -v --verbose Indicates that output data is
> displayed with detailed informa-
> tion. Default is false.
> domain_name This is the name of the domain
> to be backed up. If the domain
> is not specified and only one
> domain exists, it will be used
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands backup-domain(1)
> automatically. If you have more
> than one domain, it is mandatory
> to specify a domain name.
> Example 1 Using backup-domain
> asadmin> backup-domain --domaindir /opt/SUNWappserver/mydomaindir domain1
> Successfully backed up the domain
> Description: 1137030607263
> Backup Filename: /opt/SUNWappserver/mydomaindir/domain1/backups/sjsas_backup_v00001.zip
> Date and time backup was performed: Wed Jan 11 17:50:07 PST 2006
> Domains Directory: /opt/SUNWappserver/mydomaindir
> Domain Directory: /opt/SUNWappserver/mydomaindir/domain1
> Domain Name: domain1
> Name of the user that performed the backup: jondoe
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> restore-domain(1), list-backups(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat --help add-resources Return:0
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> add-resources - creates the resources specified in an XML
> file
> add-resources
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> xml_file_path
> The add-resources command creates the resources named in the
> specified XML file. The xml_file_path is the path to the XML
> file containing the resources to be created. The DOCTYPE
> must be specified as
> http://www.sun.com/software/appserver/dtds/sun-
> resources_1_2.dtdin the resources.xml file.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target Specifies the target for which
> you are creating the resources.
> Valid values are
> o server, which creates
> the resources for the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o domain, which creates
> the resources for the
> domain
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the resources
> for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the resources
> for a particular server
> instance
> xml_file_path The path to the XML file con-
> taining the resource(s) to be
> created. The XML file must
> reside in the <install-
> dir>/domains/domain1/config
> directory. If you specify a
> relative path or simply provide
> the name of the XML file, this
> command will prepend <install-
> dir>/domains/domain1/config to
> this operand.
> An example XML file follows.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE resources PUBLIC
> "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.1 Domain//EN"
> "*http://www.sun.com/software/appserver/dtds/sun-resources_1_2.dtd*">
> <resources>
> <jdbc-connection-pool name="SPECjPool" steady-pool-size="100"
> max-pool-size="150" max-wait-time-in-millis="60000"
> pool-resize-quantity="2" idle-timeout-in-seconds="300"
> is-isolation-level-guaranteed="true"
> is-connection-validation-required="false"
> connection-validation-method="auto-commit"
> fail-all-connections="false"
> datasource-classname="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource">
> <property name="URL"
> value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@iasperfsol12:1521:specdb"/>
> <property name="User" value="spec"/>
> <property name="Password" value="spec"/>
> <property name="MaxStatements" value="200"/>
> <property name="ImplicitCachingEnabled" value="true"/>
> </jdbc-connection-pool>
> <jdbc-resource enabled="true" pool-name="SPECjPool"
> jndi-name="jdbc/SPECjDB"/>
> </resources>
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> Example 1 Using the add-resources command
> The following command creates resources using the contents
> of the XML file resource.xml:
> asadmin> add-resources --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848 resource.xml
> =========================
> Added Resource Type: jdbc-connection-pool
> =========================
> Added Resource Type: jdbc-resource
> =========================
> Added Resource Type: persistence-manager-factory-resource
> Command add-resources executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-jdbc-connection-pool(1), create-jdbc-resource(1),
> create-jms-resource(1), create-jndi-resource(1), create-
> javamail-resource(1), create-persistence-resource(1),
> create-custom-resource(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat --help list Return:0
>Administration Commands list(1)
> list - lists the configurable elements
> list
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --monitor =false]
> [dotted_parent_attribute_name]
> Lists the configurable element. On Solaris, quotes are
> needed when executing commands with * as the option value or
> operand.
> The dotted notation follows these guidelines:
> o Any list command that has a dotted name that is not
> followed by a wildcard (*) will get, as its result,
> the current node's immediate children. For example,
> list --monitor server lists all immediate children
> belonging to the server node.
> o Any list command that has a dotted name followed by
> a wildcard(*) will get, as its result, a hierarchi-
> cal tree of children nodes from the current node.
> For example, list --monitor server.applications.*
> will list all children of applications and their
> subsequent child nodes and so on.
> o Any list command that has a dotted name preceded or
> followed by a wildcard (*) of the form *dotted name
> or dotted * name or dotted name* will get, as its
> result, all nodes and their children matching the
> regular expression created by the provided matching
> pattern.
> An application server dotted name uses the "." (period) as
> a delimiter to separate the parts of a complete name. This
> is similar to how the "/" character is used to delimit the
> levels in the absolute path name of a file in the UNIX file
> system. The following rules apply while forming the dotted
> names accepted by the get, set and list commands. Note that
> a specific command has some additional semantics applied.
> o A . (period) always separates two sequential parts
> of the name.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 1
>Administration Commands list(1)
> o A part of the name usually identifies an applica-
> tion server subsystem and/or its specific instance.
> For example: web-container, log-service, thread-
> pool-1 etc.
> o If any part of the name itself contains a .
> (period), then it must be escaped with a leading
> \fR (backslash) so that the "." does not act like a
> delimiter.
> o An * (asterisk) can be used anywhere in the dotted
> name and it acts like the wildcard character in
> regular expressions. Additionally, an * can col-
> lapse all the parts of the dotted name. Long dotted
> name like "this.is.really.long.hierarchy" can be
> abbreviated to "th*.hierarchy". But note that the .
> always delimits the parts of the name.
> o The top level switch for any dotted name is -moni-
> tor or -m that is separately specified on a given
> command line. The presence or lack of this switch
> implies the selection of one of the two hierarchies
> for appserver management: monitoring and configura-
> tion.
> o If you happen to know the exact complete dotted
> name without any wildcard character, then list and
> get/set have a little difference in their seman-
> tics:
> o The list command treats this complete dotted
> name as the complete name of a parent node in
> the abstract hierarchy. Upon providing this
> name to list command, it simply returns the
> names of the immediate children at that level.
> For example, list server.applications.web-
> module will list all the web modules deployed
> to the domain or the default server.
> o The get and set commands treat this complete
> dotted name as the fully qualified name of the
> attribute of a node (whose dotted name itself
> is the name that you get when you remove the
> last part of this dotted name) and it gets/sets
> the value of that attribute. This is true if
> such an attribute exists. You will never start
> with this case because in order to find out the
> names of attributes of a particular node in the
> hierarchy, you must use the wildcard character
> *. For example, server.applications.web-
> module.JSPWiki.context-root will return the
> context-root of the web-application deployed to
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 2
>Administration Commands list(1)
> the domain or default server.
> o server(usually the first part of the complete dot-
> ted name) can be replaced with the name of a par-
> ticular server instance of interest (e.g., server1)
> and you'll get the information of that server
> instance, remaining part of the dotted name remain-
> ing the same. Note that the dotted names that are
> available in such other server instances are those
> from the monitoring hierarchy because these server
> instances don't have a way to expose the configura-
> tion hierarchy.
> The list command is the progenitor of navigational capabili-
> ties of these three commands. If you want to set or get
> attributes of a particular application server subsystem, you
> must know its dotted name. The list command is the one which
> can guide you to find the dotted name of that subsystem. For
> example, to find out the modified date (attribute) of a par-
> ticular file in a large file system that starts with /.
> First you must find out the location of that file in the
> file system, and then look at its attributes. Therefor, two
> of the first commands to understand the hierarchies in
> appserver are: * list "*" and * list * -monitor. The sorted
> output of these commands is typically of the following form:
> Command Output
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 3
>Administration Commands list(1)
> list *
> o default-config
> o default-config.admin-service
> o default-config.admin-service.das-config
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o default-config.availability-service
> o default-config.availability-service.jms-
> availability
> o default-config.diagnostic-service
> o default-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> o . . .
> o default-config.iiop-service
> o . . .
> o default-config.java-config
> o . . .
> o domain
> o domain.clusters
> o domain.configs
> o domain.resources
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.DerbyPool
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._CallFlowPool
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 4
>Administration Commands list(1)
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._TimerPool
> o . . .
> o server
> o server-config
> o cerver-config.admin-service
> o server-config.admin-service.das-config
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o server-config-availability-servicce
> o server-config.availability-service.jms-availability
> o server-config.diagnostic-service
> o server-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o server.log-service
> o server.log-service.module-log-levels
> o . . .
> o server.session-config
> o server.session-config.session-manager
> o server.session-config.session-manager.manager-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-manager.store-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-properties
> o server.thread-pools
> o server.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1
> o server.transaction-service
> o server.web-container
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 5
>Administration Commands list(1)
> o server.web-container-availability
> list -monitor *
> o server
> o server.applications
> o server.applications._JWSappclients
> o server.applications._JWSappclients.sys.war
> o server.applications.adminapp
> o server.applications.admingui
> o server.connector-service
> o server.http-service
> o server.http-service.server
> o server.jms-service
> o server.jvm
> o server.orb
> o server.orb.connection-managers
> o server.resources
> o server.thread-pools
> Consequently, the list command is the entry point into the
> navigation of the application server's s management hierar-
> chies. Take note of the output of the list command:
> o The output lists one element per line.
> o Every element on a line is a complete-dotted-name
> of a management component that is capable of having
> attributes. Note that none of these lines show any
> kind of attributes at all.
> The output of thelist command is a list of dotted names
> representing individual application server components and
> subsystems. Every component or subsystem is capable of hav-
> ing zero or more attributes that can be read and modified.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 6
>Administration Commands list(1)
> With thelist command you can drill down through the hierar-
> chy in a particular branch of interest. For example, if you
> want to find the configuration of the http-listener of the
> domain (the default server, whose ID is "server"). Here is
> how you could proceed on a UNIX terminal:
> ID Command Output/Comment
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> 1 list "*" | grep http | grep listener
> 1. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 2. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 3. server-config.http-service.http-listener.admin-
> listener
> 4. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 5. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 6. server-http-service.http-listener.admin-listener
> 7. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1
> 8. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 7
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 2 To find the listener that server.http-service.http-
> corresponds to the default http- listener.http-listener-
> listener where the web applications 1.acceptor-threads =
> in the domain/server are deployed: 1server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1. Examine the dotted name starting with item number 7 1.address =
> in above output.
> service.http-listener.http-
> 2. Use the get command as shown in its usage. listener-1.blocking-enabled =
> the attributes of the http-listener in context. falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.default-virtual-
> server = serverserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.enabled =
> trueserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.external-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.family =
> inetserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-1.id =
> http-listener-1server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.port =
> 8080server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.redirect-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.security-enabled =
> falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.server-name
> =server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.xpowered-by = true
> Making use of both list and get commands, it is straightfor-
> ward to reach a particular component of interest.
> To get the monitoring information of a particular subsystem
> you must:
> 1. Use the set command to set an appropriate monitor-
> ing level for the component of interest.
> 2. Obtain the various information about the JVM that
> the application server domain is running.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 8
>Administration Commands list(1)
> ID Command Output/Comment
> _______________________________________________________________________
> 1 list server* | grep monitoring server-config.monitoring-
> serviceserver-
> config.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levelsserver.monitoring-
> serviceserver.monitoring-
> service.module-
> monitoring-levelsNote that
> this is the list command. It
> only shows the hierarchy,
> nothing else. Using the '|'
> and "grep" narrows down the
> search effectively. Now, you
> can choose server.monitoring-
> service to set the attributes
> of various attributes that can
> be monitored.This is the con-
> figuration data because this
> setting will be persisted to
> the server's configuration
> store.
> 2 get server.monitoring-service.* You can try the number of
> attributes that are presently
> available with monitoring ser-
> vice. Here is the output: No
> matches resulted from the
> wildcard expression. This is
> because this fully dotted name
> does not have any attributes
> at all. Logically, you try the
> next one and that is:
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels. Again, use the wild-
> card character to get ALL the
> attributes of a particular
> component.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 9
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 3 get server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.* levels.connector-connection-
> pool = OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.connector-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.ejb-container = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.http-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jdbc-connection-pool =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jms-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.orb = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.thread-pool = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.transaction-service =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.web-container = OFF The
> JVM monitoring is at a level
> OFF. It must be changed in
> order to make the JVM monitor-
> ing information available. The
> other valid values for all the
> monitoring level are: LOW and
> HIGH. use the set command to
> set the value appropriately.
> 4 set server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm=HIGHThere is no levels.jvm = HIGHNow, the JVM
> space before or after the = information can be obtained
> sign. using the get command and mon-
> itoring switch. But remember ,
> when you switch to the moni-
> toring hierarchy, start with
> the list command again.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 10
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 5 list --monitor * | grep jvm server.jvm server.jvm.class-
> loading-system
> server.jvm.compilation-system
> server.jvm.garbage-collectors
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.Copy
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.MarkSweepCompact
> server.jvm.memory
> server.jvm.operating-system
> server.jvm.runtime
> server.jvm.thread-system
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-1 . . .
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793823
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793824
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793825
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793826
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793827
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-9The JRE 1.5.0
> monitorable components are
> exposed in an elegant manner.
> This is what you see when con-
> nected by the JConsole. Now,
> to know more about the class-
> loading system in the JVM,
> this is how you'll
> proceed.Note that now you are
> interested in the attributes
> of a particular leaf node.
> Thus the command is get not
> list.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 11
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 6 get -monitor server.jvm.class- server.jvm.class-loading-
> loading-system.* system.dotted-name =
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-count
> = 7328 server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-name =
> LoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-unit =
> count server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> count = 10285
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508972
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> name = TotalLoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> unit = count
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> count = 2957
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 12
>Administration Commands list(1)
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-name
> = UnloadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-unit
> = countYou cansee that 10285
> is the total number of classes
> loaded by the Virtual Machine.
> Whereas, 2957 is number of
> classes unloaded, since it was
> started. ,Similarly, you can
> explore attributes of the
> other subsystems as well.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 13
>Administration Commands list(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 14
>Administration Commands list(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --monitor defaults to false; if set to
> false, the configurable attri-
> bute values are returned. If set
> to true, the monitorable attri-
> bute values are returned.
> dotted_parent_element_name configurable or monitorable ele-
> ment name.
> Example 1 Using list to view all dotted-name prefixes
> asadmin> list --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
> --port 5001 "*"
> server
> server.admin-service
> server.admin-service.das-config
> server.application-ref.MEjbApp
> server.application-ref.__ejb_container_timer_app
> server.application-ref.adminapp
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 15
>Administration Commands list(1)
> server.application-ref.admingui
> server.application-ref.com_sun_web_ui
> server.applications
> server.applications.j2ee-application.MEjbApp
> server.applications.j2ee-application.__ejb_container_timer_app
> server.applications.web-module.adminapp
> server.applications.web-module.admingui
> server.applications.web-module.com_sun_web_ui
> server.ejb-container
> server.http-service
> server.http-service.http-listener.admin-listener
> server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1
> server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2
> server.iiop-service
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL.ssl
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL_MUTUALAUTH
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL_MUTUALAUTH.ssl
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.orb-listener-1
> server.iiop-service.orb
> server.java-config
> server.jms-service
> server.jms-service.jms-host.default_JMS_host
> server.log-service
> server.log-service.module-log-levels
> server.mdb-container
> server.monitoring-service
> server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels
> server.resource-ref.jdbc/PointBase
> server.resource-ref.jdbc/__TimerPool
> server.resources
> server.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.PointBasePool
> server.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.__TimerPool
> server.resources.jdbc-resource.jdbc/PointBase
> server.resources.jdbc-resource.jdbc/__TimerPool
> server.security-service
> server.security-service.audit-module.default
> server.security-service.auth-realm.certificate
> server.security-service.auth-realm.file
> server.security-service.jacc-provider.default
> server.thread-pools
> server.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1
> server.transaction-service
> server.virtual-server.__asadmin
> server.virtual-server.server
> server.web-container
> Example 2 Using list for an application
> asadmin> list --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 16
>Administration Commands list(1)
> --host localhost --port 4848 server.applications.j2ee-application
> server.applications.j2ee-application.MEjbApp
> server.applications.j2ee-application._ejb_container_timer_app
> server.applications.j2ee-application.stateless-simple
> Example 3 Using list for a web module
> asadmin> list --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848 server.applications.web-module
> server.applications.web-module.adminapp
> server.applications.web-module.adminguip
> server.applications.web-module.com_sun_web_ui
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> get(1), set(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 17
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
><project name="GlassFish v3" default="help" basedir=".">
> <taskdef name="cmd" classname="cmdant.CmdTask"/>
> <typedef name="arg" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.types.Commandline$Argument"/>
> <property name="cmdpath" value="D:\work\gfqc\fishcat\b22\bin"/>
> <target name="help" depends="local_help, remote_help">
> </target>
> <target name="remote_help" >
> <cmd executable="asadmin.bat">
> <arg line="--help add-resources"/>
> </cmd>
> <cmd executable="asadmin.bat">
> <arg line="--help list"/>
> </cmd>
> </target>
> <target name="local_help" >
> <cmd executable="asadmin.bat">
> <arg line="--help backup-domain"/>
> </cmd>
> </target>
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: quality-unsubscribe_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>For additional commands, e-mail: quality-help_at_glassfish.dev.java.net