
Re: Problem installing admin console on Linux

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 23:47:15 -0700

Hi Wouter,

Following reply from Anissa may apply to your issue. Could you try b20
or better wait to try b21 which will be
available next week which is the build we plan to start FishCAT testing.

This has been fixed with promoted build 20. You can get that from
After installation, access admin console by http://<hostname>:8080/admin

Note that the URL will be changed to http://<hostname>:4848/
from build 21 (when it is available next week) and on.

Wouter van Reeven wrote:

>Just filed issue 5590. I cannot download and install the administration console
>from the web interface at port 4848 from Linux. The installer looks for a file
>called lib/install/applications/.org.opensolaris,pkg/cfg_cache which doesn't
>exist. Creating the file by hand yields an NPE.
>Thanks, Wouter