
FishCAT reviews of bundled docs

From: Gail Risdal <Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 18:05:07 -0700


Bundled docs are docs that are built into the product, such as man pages
and the Admin Console online help. Many thanks to Manfred and others who
are reviewing and testing these docs. Your reviews are critical.

I originally asked that all bugs against the bundled docs be filed no
later than September 1st, so fixes could be made in time for hard code
freeze on September 8th. That's still ideal, but I realize there have
been issues with the builds and that may not be possible - especially
since September 1st is right around the corner (and it's a holiday in
the US)!

So definitely continue with your review and testing of the bundled docs,
but note the following:

* Bugs filed against the bundled docs by September 1st will be fixed for
the Prelude release.

* Bugs filed against the bundled docs after September 1st won't be fixed
for Prelude unless they're deemed to be showstoppers, but will be fixed
post-Prelude. Your reviews are important and your comments will be
addressed - just not in time for Prelude.

Thanks again for your work on this and let me know if you have any
questions. I'll be communicating soon about the review of the unbundled
docs (tutorials, guides, and so on), which starts September 1st and runs
through September 30th.

GlassFish Documentation