
Re: Installation idea

From: Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 22:05:19 +0200

Hi there;

Shreedhar Ganapathy schrieb:
>> Despite I am not that big a fan of this idea,
> Would be nice to know why

No offense to all those who do this kind of packaging (and so far did a
good work at least talking about gfv2), I still don't get why to package
an application that provides a package management itself in packages
managed by even another (external) package management system. Isn't IPS
the tool of choice to install gfv3 packages? This is a nice, accessible,
convenient tool made to do right its job - install gfv3 packages on all
platforms the server is running on, no matter whether Linux or Win32 or
whatever. Building packages specific to certain Linux distributions in
my opinion does to some degree "damage" this idea, as suddenly the
"native" package format is predominant again. What's the benefit of
that? I need distro-specific installation hints, I eventually need to
reconsider distro-specific installation issues when doing
troubleshooting, I need to maintain a whole load of different packages,
for an installation which hardly will be more straightforward than, in
example, the OpenDS quick setup.

Just my $0.02 of course, for whatever it's worth. :)
