
Re: Some Criticism On The Modularization

From: Miroslav Nachev <miro_at_space-comm.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:43:28 +0300


> Your idea, having a JSR-277 control unit, in NB is great.
I think that in principal this is not new idea. In my opinion of all
Java based products are based on one and only one common standard like
JSR-277 or OSGi then everything can be presented as set of bundles like
GlassFish, NetBeans, JRE/JDK, etc. For example java.lang.* will be in
the main bundle. java.net.* in another bundle, and etc. Initially only
the minimum bundles will be installed and the other will be installed on
request. With that approach the JRE will be very small as size and the
JVM will encapsulate the Bundle Framework which will be also bundle.
This will require minimum network resources.

Regarding the Control Units in my current job we use similar solution
for the bundles in OSGi framework and this is very helpful and powerful.


Adam Bien wrote:
> Hi Miro,
> sure - but the common cases should be available "out of the box". The
> current installation model is cool, dynamic and flexible but neither
> simple, robust nor pragmatic. It is important for marketing purposes,
> to show the dynamic capabilites - but obvious stuff should be prebundled.
> I do no see any advantage downloading needed parts "on demand". The
> size of GF v2 was never a problem (actually noone complained in my
> projects about this...).
> I would like to "keep it simple" - a "micro-kernel" edition should be
> available as well - for "power users".
> Your idea, having a JSR-277 control unit, in NB is great.
> regards,
> adam
> Miroslav Nachev schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I have one idea regarding of GF v3 management. The management to be
>> done using NetBeans as platform for standalone or JWS (JNLP)
>> application and NetBeans plugin which to be integrated in NetBeans
>> 6.5+. This management to be not only for GF but for all
>> JSR-277/JSR-291(OSGi) bundles. The transport unit between the OSGi
>> framework and Management Application to be named Control Unit. This
>> control unit to describe everything for the node tree and to provide
>> the possible actions which can be done from that tree node.
>> So, each bundle can provide such information or can be installed
>> additional bundle which to provide Control Units for one or more
>> bundles.
>> Regards,
>> Miro.
>> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com
>> <mailto:abien_at_adam-bien.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The modularization of GF v3 is great for the qualitity of the
>> architecture and minimalization of footprint.
>> It makes, however, the installation lot harder. For the end-user,
>> it should come with similar experience as GF v2.
>> Right now e.g. the admin-console has to be installed afterwards,
>> although it is mostly needed. GF v3 should come with pre-installed
>> profiles, the installation should be even easier, than the
>> installation of GF v2... In best case, just download and start...
>> I filed an enhancement regarding this issue:
>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5679,
>> regards,
>> adam
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