
Re: GFv3 and NetBeans

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 08:33:32 -0700

Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> Hi David and Peter,
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 04:36:13PM -0700, Peter Williams wrote:
>> Also, Wouter, when you answer Davis' question, could you also add what
>> exact folder you are specifying for the server in the Add Server Wizard
>> in NetBeans (assuming you are in fact registering a new server instance)?
>> I have B20 working fine on Solaris and Windows. It's unclear what you
>> mean by "doesn't recognize...". Perhaps the wizard does not issue clear
>> enough warnings or perhaps there is a bug.
> I am using NetBeans 6.1 with the GFv3 plaugin. Not NetBeans 6.5.
So switch to Nb 6.5 beta or nightly builds which are the active
development area for the GF V3 plugin.
6.5 will ship bundled with the GF V3 prelude server.

> With recognise I mean that the directory holding the svn version gets a
> different icon than any other directory, including the directory holding the
> promoted build version.
> I have added a screenshot to clarify this. In the screenshot you see a directory
> tree. Under the gfv3 directory there is a glassfish-v3tp2 dir with a normal icon
> and a v3 dir with a special icon. The first one is the dir created by the
> promoted build, the second one the one I did a svn checkout in. Also, under the
> glassfish-v3tp2 dir there is a glassfish dir holding the actual GlassFish files
> and this dir also has a normal icon.
> Apart from the different icon, everything works just fine for either version.
> Greets, Wouter
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