
Re: Embedded EJB 3

From: Mahesh Kannan <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 11:36:02 -0700

Hi Adam,

  Not yet. Currently, glassfish-embedded-api-with-full-v3 jar doesn't
contain ejb container classes. Once we have the ejb 3.1 container
classes (Only Stateless session bean and Singleton beans) inside the
embedded jar, it should work. Once Sherry tests this I will send out a
mail to this alias.


Sherry Shen wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> Mahesh works on EJB3.1 and may be able to let you know
> when and what will be available for embedded EJB 3.1.
> cc Mahesh.
> For embedded web container, I have tried embedded web
> container, and filed 2 issues.
> 5524 <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5524>
> DEFECT P2 All bnevins UNCONF
> NPE in Resource Injection Filter with Embedded GF
> 5548 <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5548>
> DEFECT P2 All bnevins UNCONF
> [BLOCKING] simple jsp test failed with embedded GF
> In my tests, jsp works in
> --on 8/12/2008 build, jsp works, but servlet doesn't work.
> --on 8/19/2008 build, both jsp and servlet don't work
> You seems being able to move forward than me.
> Would you please share with me which build do you use
> and how do you test it.
> Thanks!
> Sherry
> Adam Bien wrote, On 8/25/2008 5:09 AM:
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to test embedded EJB 3.1 capabilities of GF v3. I did it
>> already with the web container - it worked well.
>> Is this feature already available?
>> regards,
>> adam
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