
Glassfish V2/V3 Plugin IDE Tools Weekly Status (July31 - Aug05)

From: Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 16:47:57 -0700

*Netbean 6.5 with **Glassfish V3*

    * Tested netbeans-trunk-nightly against GlassFish V3 on the
      following environments (OS: OS:Win XP & Solaris x86, JDK :
      jdk1.6.0_06 & jdk1.5.x)
    * Tested Jruby/Rails/Gems Integration with GL V3 Preclude version
    * New GlassFish V3 Issues:
    * Issue 141956
      V3:NPE occurs when change runtime of a JNDI Web project
    * Issue 141966
      V3:Netbean IDE hanged when 1st launch on winXP
    * Issue 142340
      V3:NPE occurs when browsing around tables and views
    * Issue 142347
      JRuby:V3:NPE occurs when click at Test menu
    * Issue 142469
      V3:NPE occurs when select to Build Gem menu
    * Issue 142489
      Last line without new line character is not printed
    * Issue 142654
      V3:Existing JDBC Connection Pool does not display at JDBC Resources
    * Issue 142661
      V3:Sample:CustomerDB RESTful does not work with GL V3
    * Issue 142663
      V3:Sample Webservice Stock Client/Service does not work with
    * Issue 142664
      V3:Sample Webservice Caculator does not display GF V3
    * New GlassFish V2 Issues:
    * Issue 142080
    * Issue 142535
      Unable to create a Java application
    * Issue 142545
      Unable to create a EAR application
    * Issue 142565
      Unable to 'Build' a webapplication using build target
    * Issues Verified:
    * Issue 137547
      "Choose an existing connection pool or create one"error message
      disappears in the JDBC Resource wizard on suffixing special
      characters in the JNDI Name
    * Issue 138569
      java.rmi.RemoteException: Unable to connect to admin-server at
      given host
    * Issue 134914
      java.lang.NumberFormatException: null

-Netbean 6.5 nightly build can be downloaded from

*Eclipse Plugin with Glassfish V2/V3

    * Tested Eclipse 3.4 plugin 1.0.5 version for Glassfish V2 and
      Glassfish V3
    * New Glassfish V2 issues
    * Issue 49
      V2:JDBC does not get deploy to GL Server
    * New Glassfish V3 issues
    * Issue 50
      V3:Need a utility to configure Eclipse with preclude V3 server

-To download Eclipse 3.4 version "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers",
please go here: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/

For schedules, document and references of Glassfish Plugins, please
visits here <http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=NBPluginQA>