
Re: Joined Glassfish quality community

From: Gopal Jorapur <Gopal.Jorapur_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 11:54:43 -0700

Welcome Preetam to our GlassFish Quality Community

You can help us in developing tests for some of the issues, the tests
will be very similar to the one you have created using our instructions

There will be a Sun engineer helping you with review of code etc, I will
let you know Sun Contact for you

Please see inlines for the answers, BTW, they are great questions

Preetam Deshpande wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am Preetam Deshpande <http://www.linkedin.com/in/preetamd>, an
> Enterprise Access Management professional with expertise in Oracle
> suite of products.
> I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from
> Visvesvaraya University, Karnataka, India (http://vtu.ac.in).
> My interest in understanding the enterprise middleware softwares like
> application and portal servers lead me to explore about Glassfish.
> Thanks to Gopal Jorapur for introducing me to this group and giving
> much needed assistance to bootstrap.
> Further I installed the GlassFish V2 and tried to create a sample test
> program of "hellouniverse"
> as per the instructions given at
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/portal/HowToAddTestsV2.html.
> I could get through it with no issues. The availability of detailed
> documentation was very helpful.
> With this successful 1st step I wish to explore more about
> contributing to this group. Kindly help me with details on how to proceed.
> Further I have following questions/doubts from this 1st assignment:
> 1. About build.properties
> There exists a 'war.file' property. Are there similar parameters for
> ear and jar type of archives?
> Or this parameter is only referred for file name and the extension of
> the file is decided by 'archive.type' parameter?
> However I believe irrespective of my archive type build.xml will
> create a .war file.
> Am I missing some thing here?
war.file indicates the war file to be created, here is the build.xml

       <target name="build">
             <property name="war.file.ext" value="${war.file}.war"/>
             <antcall target="build-impl"/>
archive.type indicates the archive to be build, war ear or jar
This variable is created for future expansion, currently war is supported

> 2. About build.properties
> What is the purpose of 'deploy.url' and when should this be
> configured? Is it required when application needs to be deployed on a
> remote gf(glassfish)?

This also is future expansion, yes, the plan is to use for remote
GlassFish instance

> 3. While modifything various files for adding a new test. I observed
> that I had to use strings like
> 'hello-universe','hellouniverse','helloUniverse'.
> This part was little confusing to me. I could not figure out how to
> decide on which value to use at a given entry. Could some one throw
> more light on
> this naming convention.

application names are all lower case - so is hellouniverse
project names in build.xml is in the format hello-universe (this can be
changed to hellouniverse to match with application name)
HelloUniverseTestNG is for java file and class name (its java coding

> 4. I noticed this issue with documentation.
> In section where editing web.xml is described: some of the changes are
> not in bold like changing the name to 'hellouniversetest1'.
> The good point about this issue is it forces you to understand the
> changes you are making to the test.

Will fix this issue, since we want creation of tests as smooth as
possible, like cake walk

Thanks again for your questions,

> --
> Thanks
> Preetam

<http://blogs.sun.com/quality> 	* Gopal Jorapur*
Software Engineer
Blog Page <http://blogs.sun.com/quality>
GlassFish Quality Community 
Sun Java Application Server 
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x34452
Email Gopal.Jorapur_at_Sun.COM <mailto:gopal.jorapur_at_sun.com>