
Glassfish V2/V3 Plugin IDE Tools Weekly Status (June17 - June25)

From: Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 16:52:21 -0700

* 1. Glassfish V3 Plugin with Netbean 6.5*
-QA started to test Milestone 1 build which has Glassfish V3 bundled.
The Netbean 6.5 IDE nightly build can be download from
-Opened 2 new enhancement issues
Resources Node should have its subnodes
<http://j2eeserver.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=138170>: Missing
"View Server Log" menu from the Glassfish V3 node
-Click here
for the current opening bugs/tasks/enhancement

* 2. SailFin Plugin with Netbean 6.1/6.5*
-Posted NB 6.1 Plugin Test Spec
in wiki format
-Tested NB 6.5 plugin with Sailfin1.0 promoted b-36 build for the
following platform (Solaris x86 10, JDK 1.5.0_13)
-Logged a P3 bug
Choose an existing connection pool or create one"error message
disappears in the JDBC Resource wizard

*3. Eclispe Plugin with Glassfish V2*
-Eclipse *3.4 Ganymede FCS* version just release today, click here
<http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages> to download the Eclipse 3.4
FCS build
-Click here
for the current Eclipse Plugin opening bugs

For schedules, document and references, please visits here