
Re: Another take on our JavaONE BOF

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 12:50:08 -0700

Thanks Aditya and Varun. I attended this JavaOne BOF. There are so many
good questions from the audience and you
guys gave good answers. One person we met in the BOF is a community
leader from MySQL. It was a great opportunity
to learn from each other on how to involve community to test open source

Yes, open community is a novelty for many at JavaONE this year, and GFQC
wons many praises and accolades for taking a step
in the right direction.

Aditya Dada wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Varun Ruple and I gave a talk on JavaONE this year and was well
> received. I've written a blog around it, and posted the slides online
> at:
> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/aditya_dada/archive/2008/05/the_future_of_t_1.html
> If you have any questions after reading the slides, please feel free
> to send them to the alias.
> -Aditya
> --
> <http://www.java.com> * Aditya Dada *
> Software Quality Engineer
> *Sun Social Software Suite and Java Application Server*
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> US
> Phone x49494/+1 408 834 4949
> Fax (408)834-4949
> Email Aditya.Dada_at_Sun.COM
> <http://www.java.com>