
Choosing a testing framework - thoughts about TETWare

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:51:51 -0500

One of the alternatives we looked at in thinking about a new testing
framework for GlassFish was an offering called TETWare.

This link


is to a brief presentation that summarizes what we found.

Basically, TETWare would not fit our needs well. For one thing, support
for Java or Windows is available only in the paid version of the software.

TestNG seems a much better fit. In my opinion, one key reason is that
TestNG is freely available and allows us to build both low-level unit
tests and higher-level integration tests all with the same tool and
approach. For example, many of our existing tests involve compiling
some Java classes and building an ear, deploying the ear, running a
client to make sure the deployment worked correctly, and then
undeploying the app. Although in some sense the "real" test is the part
that runs the client and checks the result, there are clearly important
steps that must precede and follow that "real" test. So far it seems
that building and running tests like that will be quite straightforward
using TestNG. At the same time, TestNG will let test developers write
more typical unit tests that require far less pre- and post-processing.

- Tim