We still are not receiving enough GAP bug/RFE submissions. As of this
morning, we have around 25 submissions, but we had allocated for 100.
We can't change the rules, and the money goes away in smoke if we don't
use it.
Also, there is another twist. there are 50K$ assigned to bugs/rfes.
The intent was to have the rules say 100 prizes of 500$ each, but,
somewhere in the review process somebody felt it had to explain "split
equally", and left out the "500$".
So, what happens is that the prizes are up to 100, but if we only get 25
good Bug/RFE submissions, then they get 4x the prize. The contribution
prizes don't change, so this feels also unfair.
Anyhow, it would be VERY USEFUL if we could get that bug submission up
to at least 50. Some commjunities, like Hudson, are very active with
many bug submissions. Could you ask directly some of these folks?
- eduard/o