advocacy, announce, arch, dev, discuss_ja, docs, ejb, embedded, g11n, gap-submissions, governance, governance-private, leads, nucleus, packages, persistence, quality, verifier, videos, web-tier, and wiki.These lists are currently setup to moderate messages from users that are not currently subscribers. This change is necessary due to the increase in SPAM that is being dumped onto these lists (and lack of time to review, what is about 99% junk mail).
Ed Bratt | Senior Software Development
Phone: +1 408 2764170 |
Fax: +1 408 2767191 |
Skype ID: edbratt
Oracle GlassFish
4220 Network Circle | MS USCA22-102 | Santa Clara, CA 95054
Oracle is committed to developing
practices and products that help protect the environment
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