[gf-dev] Re: Happy New Copyright Year!

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 15:27:36 -0800

Hi Bill,
A question about the year format
Original: Copyright (c) 2004,2011

Should i just add 2017 to the end, so it becomes: 2004,2011, 2017
should i just change it to 2004-2017 ?


> On Jan 2, 2017, at 5:51 PM, Bill Shannon <> wrote:
> Yes, it's a new year, and that means when you update a file for the first
> time this year, you should also update the copyright year for the file.
> Often that means changing "1997-2016" to "1997-2017".
> No, no one is going to do that for you. *You* need to do it. But only
> for the files that you're otherwise changing. No bulk updates just to
> change the copyright year.
> Thanks.