[gf-dev] can't release connection correctly when using resource adapter

From: William <>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:28:48 +0800

Dear Experts,

        I am trying to write a custom resource adapter. But met some problems, so I re-run the example provided by Glassfish to test if has the same issue. when I run the ‘traffic’ example, Also I found it can’t release connection correctly after I set the attribute ‘maxPoolSize’ attribute of @ConnectionFactoryDefinition. If I set this attribute to 5, that means I can only use factory to get connection 5 times. In the 6th, system will hang up and will get error message later. Even I have released connection in time.

        For the ‘ trading' example bundled with Glassfish, I just change one place.(the project is under <glassfish_home>/docs/javaee-tutorial/examples/connectors/trading)
        the original definition in ‘ResourceAccessBean’class is as below:

    name = "java:comp/env/eis/TradeConnectionFactory",
    interfaceName = "",
    resourceAdapter = "#trading-rar",
    minPoolSize = 5,
    transactionSupport =

and I just add one more attribute of it as below:

    name = "java:comp/env/eis/TradeConnectionFactory",
    interfaceName = "",
    resourceAdapter = "#trading-rar",
    minPoolSize = 5,
    maxPoolSize = 10,
    transactionSupport =

        And this is the only place I modified, after changing, I refresh the browser and repeat to click button ‘connect' and ‘disconnect’. When the 11th, the browser hang up, and display error message later:
        Error in allocating a connection. Cause: In-use connections equal max-pool-size and expired max-wait-time. Cannot allocate more connections.

        Since I haven’t change other code, and just run example bundled with Glassfish, So I think maybe there exist some bugs that not properly release connection.
        Can anybody help me to take a look at this issue? Thank you very much!

        My Environment:

        Glassfish 4.1 (build 13)
        Oracle Java 1.7.0_51-b13

System Architect